
This is an archived copy of the 2018-2019 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit http://e-catalog.sewanee.edu.

Website: sewanee.edu/academics/japanese/

The University offers four semesters of Japanese, sufficient to satisfy the college’s foreign language requirement. Although a major or minor in Japanese is not currently offered, students may participate in study-abroad programs in Japan to extend their study of Japanese and to explore Japanese society. Further study of topics bearing on Japanese culture and history can be undertaken through coursework offered in the Asian studies program.

Language Laboratory

The E.L. Kellerman Language Resource Center provides an opportunity for students in the modern foreign languages to immerse themselves in the sounds and culture of their target language. The facility features a state of the art Sanako Lab 100 system for practice with listening and speaking; a Satellite TV with stations in Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish; wireless Apple Macbooks which can be checked out; a Sympodium for multimedia displays; and a cozy reading and viewing lounge with a library of foreign language books, magazines, and videos. Students can also access subscriptions to web-based language learning programs for reinforcing what is being taught in class as well as for learning languages not currently taught at the University. There is also Rosetta Stone software for Arabic, French, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Irish, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Thai, and Turkish. Faculty and students alike take advantage of the language center’s audio- and video-editing equipment and analog-to-digital-conversion facilities in preparing engaging presentations for class. The Language Resource Center is open weekdays from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. except for Fridays when it closes at 4 p.m. and then reopens Sunday from 3 p.m. to 10 p.m.

Japanese Courses

JAPN 103     Elementary Japanese I  (4)

This course is designed for students with no Japanese language background. By course's end, students should be able to read and write hiragana and katakana (Japanese scripts), to talk about themselves, and to conduct basic conversations about daily life. This course enables students to begin acquiring mature competence in communication and to develop accurate and culturally appropriate use of the language.

JAPN 104     Elementary Japanese II  (4)

An intensive introduction to the fundamentals of the language and culture with emphasis on developing conversational skills such as pronunciation. Works on longer expressions, especially related to direction. Acquisition of one of the three types of Japanese scripts: Hiragana. Reading and writing of short texts which contain both Katakana and Hiragana. Prerequisite: JAPN 103 or placement.

JAPN 203     Intermediate Japanese  (4)

Development of conversational skills. Works on longer expressions, especially related to time. Acquisition of the third type of Japanese scripts: Kanji. Reading and writing of short texts which contain Katakana, Hiragana, and a limited number of Kanji. Prerequisite: JAPN 104 or placement.

JAPN 301     Composition and Conversation  (4)

Emphasis on accuracy of expression in written and oral Japanese. Class is taught in Japanese. Prerequisite: JAPN 203 or placement.

JAPN 303     Readings in Japanese: Modern Short Stories and Poetry  (4)

Designed primarily for students who have completed intensive language training in Japan through a study abroad program, this course aims to help students gain independence from "textbook Japanese" and develop a more natural and nuanced sensibility for the language. Drawing reading materials from literary pieces that frequently appear in language arts textbooks in Japan, the course also introduces in the original the canon of literature that comprises Japanese general education in the language arts. In addition to reading skills, this course aims to develop listening, writing, and speaking skills through oral presentations, recitations, creative writing, and discussions. Prerequisite: JAPN 301.

JAPN 444     Independent Study  (2 or 4)

An opportunity for advanced students to pursue topics of special interest. Prerequisite: Instructor prerequisite override required.