Assistance for Students with Disabilities

This is an archived copy of the 2016-2017 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Assistance for Students with Learning Disabilities and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorders

The University of the South is committed to fostering respect for the diversity of the University community and its individual members. In this spirit, and in accordance with the provisions of Sections 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the University seeks to provide disabled students with the reasonable accommodations needed to provide equal access to the programs and activities of the University. While the University provides a number of services to support the academic work of all its students (including tutoring and study skills programs), additional accommodations can be made specifically for students with Learning Disabilities (LD) and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Support services for students with LD/ADHD at Sewanee are coordinated through the University Counseling Service. The office is located at 1310 University Avenue, next to Southern Tennessee Regional Health System Sewanee. The phone number is 931.598.1325. A University Counselor meets with individual students to determine specific needs and to identify appropriate accommodations and resources, and is also available to consult with faculty members regarding recommended accommodations.

Students with previously diagnosed LD/ADHD are encouraged to see the University Counselor as early as possible in their university career. A student who requests accommodation on the basis of LD/ADHD is required to submit a diagnostic report and educational recommendations made within the last three years by a professional in the field of LD/ADHD. The University also reserves the right to request an additional evaluation to be completed by a professional recommended by the Counseling Service. This information is reviewed by a University Counselor who then meets with the student to discuss appropriate support services. Students with documented learning or attention problems may receive support in a variety of ways, depending on the specific nature of the disability; reasonable accommodation is a highly individualized matter for each student. Students are expected to discuss the accommodations recommended by the counseling service with their professors at the beginning of each semester.

Any student who suspects he or she may have an undiagnosed learning disability or attention deficit, or is uncertain about a previous diagnosis, is welcome to consult with a University counselor and develop a plan for answering these questions. The psychologists at the Counseling Service can recommend appropriate professionals if a formal evaluation is needed.

Assistance for the Medically Disabled

Students seeking assistance based upon a medical disability must submit appropriate diagnostic documentation related to the disability and meet with the University Health Service staff. After review of submitted materials, decisions are made about accommodations, if appropriate, in consultation with the Associate Dean of the College or the Dean of Students.

Assistance for the Physically Disabled

The location of some campus offices may be inaccessible to some disabled students. These students should check with the Office of the Dean of Students to obtain help reaching personnel in the necessary offices.

Assistance for Psychological Distress

The University provides a time-limited professional counseling service for students seeking assistance with concerns of all kinds — academic, social, emotional, or interpersonal. Discussions between students and psychologists are confidential and information cannot be disclosed, including to parents, except in rare situations required by law and regulations. University counseling services are free to University students. Inquiries should be directed to the office located at 1310 University Avenue, next to Southern Tennessee Regional Health System Sewanee, extension 1325.