Latin (LATN)

This is an archived copy of the 2019-2020 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

LATN 103     Elementary Latin I  (4)

An intensive, introductory course in Latin emphasizing forms and syntax and with extensive readings. Four class hours per week. Prerequisite: Placement.

LATN 104     Elementary Latin II  (4)

An intensive, introductory course in Latin emphasizing forms and syntax and with extensive readings. Four class hours per week. Prerequisite: LATN 103 or placement.

LATN 113     Accelerated Beginning Latin  (4)

An accelerated introductory course in Latin emphasizing forms and syntax and with extensive reading, intended as a refresher for those who have studied Latin previously. Prerequisite: Placement.

LATN 203     Intermediate Latin  (4)

A continuation of the study of grammar with readings from a variety of authors. Four class hours per week. Prerequisite: LATN 104 or placement.

LATN 300     Caesar  (4)

This course examines Caesar's presentation of the Civil Wars, including famous events such as the crossing of the Rubicon, the Battles of Dyrrhacium and Pharsalus, and the death of Pompey. Attention is also given to how these events are depicted in passages from Suetonius' Life of Julius Caesar and Lucan's epic poem, Pharsalia. The course aims not only to improve reading comprehension of Latin literature, but also to evaluate major sources for this critical period of Roman—indeed, all Western—history. It concludes with study of how Caesar's assassination is variously depicted. Not open for credit to students who have completed LATN 409. Prerequisite: LATN 203 or higher or placement.

LATN 301     Introduction to Latin Epic  (4)

A study of selected passages from Latin epic poetry. Prerequisite: LATN 203 or higher or placement.

LATN 302     Cicero  (4)

A study of Cicero as seen in selections from his various types of writing. Not open for credit to students who have completed LATN 404. Prerequisite: LATN 203 or higher or placement.

LATN 303     Catullus  (4)

A reading of the poems of Catullus. Prerequisite: LATN 203 or higher or placement.

LATN 305     Love Elegy  (4)

A study of Roman elegy through selections from one or more of the following authors: Tibullus, Sulpicia, Propertius, and Ovid. Prerequisite: LATN 203 or higher or placement.

LATN 307     Ovid  (4)

Readings from one or more of the works of Ovid. Prerequisite: LATN 203 or higher or placement.

LATN 308     Sallust  (4)

This course focuses on the work of the Roman historian Sallust. Prerequisite: LATN 203 or higher or placement.

LATN 309     Livy  (4)

This course focuses on the work of the Roman historian Livy. Prerequisite: LATN 203 or higher or placement.

LATN 310     The Roman Novel  (4)

This course examines the genre of prose fiction in Latin, with particular attention to the Satyricon of Petronius and the Metamorphoses (or "Golden Ass") of Apuleius. Prerequisite: LATN 203 or higher or placement.

LATN 313     Lucretius  (4)

This course is devoted to close study of the Latin text of De Rerum Natura (On the Nature of Things) by the Roman poet Lucretius. Prerequisite: LATN 203 or placement.

LATN 320     Horace's Lyric Poetry  (4)

This course focuses on the lyric works of Horace, especially the Odes. Prerequisite: LATN 203 or higher or placement.

LATN 321     Horace: Satires and Epistles  (4)

This course focuses on Horace's hexameter works, the Satires and/or Epistles. Prerequisite: LATN 203 or higher or placement.

LATN 401     Roman Comedy  (4)

A study of Roman comedy through a reading of at least one play by Plautus or Terence. Prerequisite: LATN 203 or higher or placement.

LATN 403     Prose of the Roman Empire  (4)

This course focuses on the historical works of Tacitus, the letter of Pliny the Younger, and the biographies of the Caesars by Suetonius. Prerequisite: LATN 203 or higher or placement.

LATN 404     Poetry of the Roman Empire  (4)

Selections from the poetry of the post-Augustan imperial period, with readings from one or more of the following authors: Seneca, Lucan, Statius, and Martial. Prerequisite: LATN 203 or higher or placement.

LATN 406     Roman Philosophers  (4)

This course examines the philosophical prose writings of Cicero and Seneca. Special attention is given to Stoicism. Prerequisite: LATN 203 or higher or placement.

LATN 407     Vergil  (4)

Readings in the Eclogues, Georgics, and Aeneid. Prerequisite: LATN 203 or higher or placement.

LATN 440     Directed Reading  (2 or 4)

Specific readings for advanced students. This course may be repeated for credit when the topic differs. Prerequisite: Instructor prerequisite override required.

LATN 444     Independent Study  (2 or 4)

For students who offer an acceptable proposed course of study. This course may be repeated for credit when the topic differs. Prerequisite: Instructor prerequisite override required.