Mathematics (MATH)

This is an archived copy of the 2020-2021 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

MATH 100     Topics in Mathematics  (4)

Intended for prospective majors outside of mathematics, computer science, and the physical sciences, this course focuses on one or more important areas of mathematics with emphasis on the creativity and power of abstract representation, mathematical inquiry, and logical reasoning. Specific past topics have included calculus, probability, number theory, group theory, and encryption. Current topics vary by instructor.

MATH 101     Calculus I  (4)

An elementary course introducing the student to the basic concepts of calculus: functions, transcendental functions, limits, derivatives, and integrals. Emphasis on problem solving. Prerequisite: Placement.

MATH 102     Calculus II  (4)

A continuation of Calculus I. Topics include further theory and applications of integration, techniques of integration, and introduction to series. Some work with a computer is included. Prerequisite: MATH 101 or placement.

MATH 207     Multidimensional Calculus  (4)

Calculus of several variables. Vectors, partial and directional derivatives, space curves, gradients, maxima and minima, linear and differentiable transformations, vector fields, line integrals, multidimensional Riemann integrals, and applications in physics and geometry are considered. Prerequisite: MATH 102 or placement.

MATH 210     Linear Algebra  (4)

A course designed to provide some important mathematical tools useful in a variety of fields. Systems of linear equations, vectors and matrices, determinants, vector spaces, linear transformations, inner and cross products, and eigen values and canonical forms are considered. Prerequisite: MATH 102 or placement.

MATH 212     Differential Equations  (4)

Ordinary differential equations, with applications. Methods of numerical approximation, power series, and Laplace transforms. Existence and uniqueness of solution. Prerequisite: MATH 102 or placement.

MATH 215     Discrete Mathematical Structures  (4)

This course is required for most courses in mathematics or computer science numbered 300 or above. Topics normally include the following: logic, sets, functions, relations, graphs and trees, mathematical induction, combinatorics, recursion, and algebraic structures. The subject matter is to be of current interest to both mathematics and computer science students. Prerequisite: MATH 101 or higher or placement.

MATH 303     Analysis I  (4)

A rigorous treatment of continuity, differentiation, and integration for functions of a real variable. The course also includes convergence of series and sequences of functions as well as topology of the real line. Prerequisite: MATH 207 and MATH 215.

MATH 305     Abstract Algebra I  (4)

A study of these important algebraic structures: integral domains, polynomials, groups, vector spaces, rings and ideals, fields, and elementary Galois theory. Prerequisite: MATH 215.

MATH 306     Abstract Algebra II  (4)

A study of these important algebraic structures: integral domains, polynomials, groups, vector spaces, rings and ideals, fields, and elementary Galois theory. Prerequisite: MATH 305.

MATH 311     Functions of a Complex Variable  (4)

An introduction to analytic functions. Rational, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions in the complex plane, Cauchy's integral formula, Taylor series, Laurent series, residues, poles, and conformal mapping are considered along with applications to physical problems and other areas of mathematics. Prerequisite: MATH 207 and MATH 215.

MATH 313     Algebraic Number Theory  (4)

Largely an algebraic study of the standard number-theoretic functions, congruences, primes, quadratic residues, and other topics selected according to the interests of the students and instructor. Prerequisite: MATH 215.

MATH 314     Topology  (4)

An introduction to point-set topology with emphasis on Euclidean spaces and applications to analysis. Topics include connectedness, compactness, countability conditions, separation properties, metric spaces, continuity, homeomorphisms, and product spaces. Prerequisite: MATH 215.

MATH 321     Probability and Statistics I  (4)

A treatment of probability and a logical development of the framework of mathematical statistics. Topics include random variables, distribution functions, sampling, and statistical inference. Prerequisite: MATH 207 and MATH 215.

MATH 322     Probability and Statistics II  (4)

A treatment of probability and a logical development of the framework of mathematical statistics. Topics include random variables, distribution functions, sampling, and statistical inference. Prerequisite: MATH 321.

MATH 330     History of Mathematics  (4)

A survey of classical mathematics from ancient times to the development of calculus, together with selected topics from the history of modern mathematics. Prerequisite: MATH 102.

MATH 332     Mathematical Modeling  (4)

An introduction to the creation of mathematical models, both deterministic and probabilistic, for the description of problems drawn from physical, biological, social, and environmental sources. Prerequisite: MATH 215 and CSCI 157.

MATH 334     Partial Differential Equations and Modeling  (4)

This course addresses the techniques and theory of partial differential equations. Many physical and biological applications and models are explored, including the heat equation, the wave equation, and LaPlace's equation. Significant attention is given to both theory and applications. Prerequisite: MATH 207 and MATH 212.

MATH 401     Analysis II  (4)

A concentrated study of the theory of functions of a real variable. Abstract methods are emphasized. Students are active participants in the presentation. Prerequisite: MATH 303.

MATH 402     Special Topics  (4)

Study of a variable topic in mathematics. This course may be repeated for credit when the topic differs. Prerequisite: MATH 215.

MATH 416     Algebraic Topology  (4)

An introduction to algebraic and combinational topology with emphasis on applications to analysis and Euclidean geometry. Topics covered include simplicial homology, the fundamental group, covering spaces, the higher homotopy groups, and the homology sequence. Prerequisite: MATH 314.

MATH 444     Independent Study  (2 or 4)

An opportunity for advanced students to pursue topics of special interest. Prerequisite: Instructor prerequisite override required.