Spanish (SPAN)

This is an archived copy of the 2020-2021 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

SPAN 103     Elementary Spanish I  (4)

Part I of a year-long intensive, introductory course with emphasis on the fundamentals of grammar (both written and spoken) and extensive practice in listening comprehension and reading. Four class hours per week. Prerequisite: Placement.

SPAN 104     Elementary Spanish II  (4)

Part II of a year-long intensive, introductory course with emphasis on the fundamentals of grammar (both written and spoken) and extensive practice in listening comprehension and reading. Four class hours per week. Prerequisite: SPAN 103 or placement.

SPAN 113     Elementary Spanish: Accelerated Review Course  (4)

An accelerated Spanish review course for those students with at least two years of high school Spanish. The course emphasizes the fundamentals of grammar (written and spoken) and practice in listening comprehension and reading. Four class hours per week. This course is not open for credit to students who have received credit for SPAN 104. Prerequisite: Placement.

SPAN 203     Intermediate Spanish  (4)

An intensive grammar review. Emphasis is on correct expression, vocabulary acquisition, and reading facility. Four class hours per week. Prerequisite: SPAN 104 or SPAN 113 or placement.

SPAN 290     Cults of Personality: Individuals who Shape the Cultural Identity of Latin America  (4)

This course, which is taught in English, examines the cultural impact that certain personalities have had on notions of Latin American identity through literature, film, and music. The course considers the evolution of an icon and how life and possibly death affect the way in which the world sees them. Possible personalities to be considered include Cesar Chavez, Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera, Jose Marti, Simon Bolivar, Pablo Escobar, Diego Maradona, Victor Jara, and Che Guevera. Taught in English.

SPAN 291     Spanish Culture and Civilization through the Visual Arts  (4)

A survey of Spanish civilization from pre-history to the present day, with an emphasis on the visual arts as cultural expression. Taught in English.

SPAN 292     Hispanic Communities in the United States  (4)

A broad survey of the experience of Hispanic communities in the United States, both past and present. Topics may include migration, bilingualism, multiculturalism, identity politics, and nativism, among others. Prerequisite: SPAN 203.

SPAN 300     Introduction to Hispanic Literature  (4)

Readings from a number of authors and periods introduce the student to the variety of genres, themes, and styles that predominate in the Hispanic literatures. Prerequisite: SPAN 203 or placement.

SPAN 301     Cultural Survey of Spain I  (4)

A cultural survey of Spain emphasizing literature, history, and the arts from the Middle Ages to 1700. This course, along with SPAN 302, SPAN 303, and SPAN 304, constitutes the core of the major in Spanish. Students are strongly encouraged to take all four of these courses before undertaking more advanced study. Prerequisite: One 300-level course in Spanish or placement.

SPAN 302     Cultural Survey of Spain II  (4)

A cultural survey of Spain emphasizing literature, history, and the arts from 1700 to the present. This course, along with SPAN 301, SPAN 303, and SPAN 304, constitutes the core of the major in Spanish. Students are strongly encouraged to take all four of these courses before undertaking more advanced study. Prerequisite: One 300-level course in Spanish or placement.

SPAN 303     Cultural Survey of Latin America I  (4)

A cultural survey of Latin America emphasizing literature, history, and the arts from Pre-Colombian cultures to the nineteenth-century wars of independence. This course, along with SPAN 301, SPAN 302, and SPAN 304, constitutes the core of the major in Spanish. Students are strongly encouraged to take all four of these courses before undertaking more advanced study. Prerequisite: One 300-level course in Spanish or placement.

SPAN 304     Cultural Survey of Latin America II  (4)

A cultural survey of Latin America emphasizing literature, history, and the arts from the independence period to the present. This course, along with SPAN 301, SPAN 302, and SPAN 303, constitutes the core of the major in Spanish. Students are strongly encouraged to take all four of these courses before undertaking more advanced study. Prerequisite: One 300-level course in Spanish or placement.

SPAN 311     Spanish Phonetics  (4)

A comparative study of the sound systems of Spanish and English. The course includes instruction in the use of the International Phonetic alphabet, as well as in phonetic and linguistic terminology, with considerable emphasis placed on pronunciation and laboratory practice. Prerequisite: One course in Spanish numbered 300 or higher.

SPAN 312     Advanced Grammar and Composition  (4)

An intensive and detailed review of Spanish grammar with a focus on literary and practical stylistics. Analysis of literary texts and stress on improvement in writing. Prerequisite: One course in Spanish numbered 300 or higher.

SPAN 321     Advanced Spanish Language  (4)

Grammar review and drill on colloquial speech and idioms. Expository writing will be emphasized. Tutorial visits to cultural sites form part of the work of this class, as does the language component of film study. This course is part of the Sewanee Semester in Spain.

SPAN 322     Introduction to Medieval Spain and the Road to Santiago  (4)

An introduction to the history, literature, and culture of medieval Spain. Selected texts from the Spanish medieval canon, monastic culture, and the complex relationships among Christians, Muslims, and Jews. Emphasis on the phenomenon of the pilgrimage road that crosses northern Spain. This course is part of the Sewanee Summer in Spain program. Prerequisite: Only open to students who have completed one course in Spanish numbered 203 or higher or placement and been admitted to the Sewanee Summer in Spain program.

SPAN 323     Contemporary Spanish Culture and Civilization  (4)

An in-depth study of contemporary Spain using the city of Madrid as laboratory and extended field trip. Topics include cinema, art, family structure, education, current politics, religion, daily social patterns, unique urban structures, etc. This course is part of the Sewanee Semester in Spain.

SPAN 324     In the “Other’s” House: A Study-Trip to Cuba  (2)

An intensive, two-week course on contemporary Cuba with pre-trip meetings and a post-trip final paper. Emphasis given to the Revolution, including its achievements and consequences. Special attention to the global impact of Cuban culture. Topics include history, economics, public policy, US-Cuban relations, Afro-Cuban identity, and fine arts. Visits on-site in Cuba to museums, cultural institutions, and historic places, including interviews with key cultural and public figures. Readings and writing in Spanish expected for Spanish majors and minors, but course is also open to others.

SPAN 325     Cultural Development in the Gaucho Heartland  (4)

Intensive study of Argentinian and Uruguayan history with special attention to the questions of cultural development and the evolution of the figure and national icon of the gaucho. Classwork and travel in Argentina and Uruguay. Attention to the divergent development of the two countries. Topics include basic geography of the region, history, politics, literature, film, music, and art.

SPAN 326     Spanish Conversation and Cultural Immersion  (4)

Focusing on building students’ ability to engage in everyday interactions with native speakers in different sociocultural contexts, this course’s work includes conversation emphasizing pronunciation, fluency, and vocabulary. Students improve their listening and speaking skills and develop conversational strategies in Spanish while visiting the city of Cartagena, Colombia as an extension of the classroom. Students will take guided visits to appropriate places of interest (theaters, neighborhoods, markets, churches, etc.) where they will practice the language with the city's residents and become immersed in the culture. Prerequisite: Only open to students who have completed SPAN 300 or higher and been admitted to the Sewanee Summer in Colombia program.

SPAN 327     Spanish Immersion in Healthcare Settings  (4)

Offered in conjunction with a trip abroad to Spain, this course is aimed at students with intermediate and advanced Spanish language skills who are interested in healthcare. Through various readings, audiovisual materials, and discussions, the initial on-campus portion focuses both on the acquisition of vocabulary pertinent to healthcare and on the practice of oral and listening skills in professional settings. While abroad, students explore the cultural dimensions of health and wellness by shadowing doctors and observing doctor-patient interactions. Students also engage in cultural excursions and reflect on their intercultural experience. Prerequisite: One course in Spanish numbered 300 or higher or placement. Only open to students admitted to the Spanish Immerion in Health program..

SPAN 330     Middle Ages in Spanish Culture and Literature  (4)

A consideration of different aspects of music, art and literature from the fall of the Roman Empire to the government of the Catholic Monarchs. Special attention is given to compositions and oral presentations. Prerequisite: One 300 level course in Spanish or placement.

SPAN 331     Spanish Prose Fiction I  (4)

A study of the evolution of prose fiction from medieval times through the seventeenth century through the reading of unabridged texts. Prerequisite: One course in Spanish numbered 300 or higher.

SPAN 333     Spanish Poetry and Drama I  (4)

An integrated study of these two genres read in unabridged texts from the Renaissance and Golden Age. Prerequisite: One course in Spanish numbered 300 or higher.

SPAN 334     The Culture of Chivalry  (4)

An exploration of various issues surrounding the figure of the mounted warrior in history and literature in the Spanish Middle Ages. Prerequisite: One course in Spanish numbered 300 or higher.

SPAN 361     Modern Spanish Literature II  (4)

An advanced survey of the twentieth century to the present. Prerequisite: One course in Spanish numbered 300 or higher.

SPAN 362     Spanish Prose Fiction II  (4)

A study of the evolution of prose fiction from the eighteenth century to the present through the reading of unabridged texts. Prerequisite: One course in Spanish numbered 300 or higher.

SPAN 363     Spanish Poetry and Drama II  (4)

An integrated study of these two genres read in unabridged texts. First semester: Medieval, Renaissance, and Golden Age; second semester: 1700 to present. Prerequisite: One course in Spanish numbered 300 or higher.

SPAN 364     Spanish Women Writers  (4)

Selected readings from Spanish women authors who represent various genres and time periods. In relation to each period, the course examines how selected writers portray gender, sexuality, social class, and other issues in their work. The course uses primary and secondary texts related to the authors and/or the period under consideration. Prerequisite: One course in Spanish numbered 300 or higher.

SPAN 365     Modern Spanish Drama  (4)

A study of the evolution of Spanish Drama during the twentieth century. Special attention is given to the influence of historical events and literary movements that affected the development of drama. All plays are read in full unabridged texts. Prerequisite: One course in Spanish numbered 300 or higher.

SPAN 366     On the Margins of Spain  (4)

This course exposes students to the often-overlooked reality of Spain as a pluricultural, plurilingual nation and to the complex interactions between the political-cultural center and its peripheral "historical nationalities": the Basque Country, Catalonia, and Galicia. Students examine what is different about literature written in minority languages and the relationship between literature and the construction or expression of identity. The course is taught in Spanish, using translations of texts and other cultural products written in Spain's minority languages, focusing especially on the contemporary period. Prerequisite: One course in Spanish numbered 300 or higher.

SPAN 367     Spain through its Film  (4)

This course introduces students to Spanish cinema, from Luis Buñuel’s first films of the 1920s and 30s to the present. Studying both masterpieces and lesser-known works, the course focuses on the representation of national, ethnic, gender, and class identities. It provides students an overview of Peninsular cinema and the critical tools to analyze filmic language. Prerequisite: One course in Spanish numbered 300 or higher.

SPAN 370     U.S. Afro-Latinx and Black Hispanic Caribbean Cultural Production  (4)

This course examines U.S. Afro-Latinx culture alongside works by Afro-Latin American authors from the Caribbean. Students will study black cultural production from Cuba, Colombia, Venezuela, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, and the US. Students will also reflect on concepts such as race, colonialism, gender, religion, and kinship to understand contemporary dynamics of displacement and social exclusion. Taught in Spanish. Materials in both Spanish and English. Prerequisite: One course in Spanish numbered 300 or higher.

SPAN 380     20th- and 21st-Century Latin American Poetry  (4)

A study of the major figures and movements beginning with Ruben Dario and modernismo. Special emphasis on the poetry of Huidobro, Neruda, Vallejo, Borges, Mistral, Paz, and Alegria. Prerequisite: One course in Spanish numbered 300 or higher.

SPAN 381     History of Latin American Cinema  (4)

This course examines the development of Latin American cinema within a chronological framework. Students become familiar with major cinematic themes, movements, and works from Latin America. The course fosters an analysis of cinema through film language and theory, and in conjunction with Latin America's cultural and historical context. Taught in English.

SPAN 382     Post-Revolutionary Mexican Literature  (4)

This course examines the literature and culture that shaped Mexico's history after the Revolution of 1910. The historical frame takes into account the period of institutionalization (1920-1940), the birth of popular and civil organization (1950-1970), and the establishment of Neoliberalism (1928-2000). Among the genres and cultural trends to be studied: historical novel, urban chronicle, testimonial narrative, detective fiction, muralismo, and contemporary Mexican film. Prerequisite: One course in Spanish numbered 300 or higher.

SPAN 383     Spanish-American Novel  (4)

A general survey with focus on the contemporary period and the evolution of narrative form. Included are discussions of the indigenous forms and colonial prose forerunners of romantic and realistic novels. Prerequisite: One course in Spanish numbered 300 or higher.

SPAN 384     Contemporary Hispanic Caribbean Literature and Culture  (4)

This course focuses on the cultural production of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic. After establishing the social and historical context of the region, the course centers around the literature and film from the Cuban Revolution to today. The experience of Caribbean immigrants to the U.S. is also considered. Prerequisite: One course in Spanish numbered 300 or higher.

SPAN 385     Spanish-American Short Fiction and Film  (4)

A study of the development of short fiction from Echeverria's "El Matadero" to contemporary works by Jorge Luis Borges, Julio Cortazar, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Senel Paz, etc. The course examines several films and gives special attention to their relationship to literary works. This course occasionally has a second section in English. Students may not use the English language section for the major or minor in Spanish. Prerequisite: One course in Spanish numbered 300 or higher.

SPAN 386     Contemporary Central American Literature and Film  (4)

This course examines political, social and cultural processes in contemporary Central America through the lens of literature and films from or about the region. Topics include Central American revolutionary movements (1960-1996), state violence, indigenous rights, migration and Diaspora, urban marginality, gangs, the drug-trade, and U.S. involvement in the region. Prerequisite: One course in Spanish numbered 300 or higher.

SPAN 387     Latin American Women Authors  (4)

Readings from Latin American women authors who represent various regions, genres, and time periods. Examines the portrayal of gender, sexuality, race/ethnicity, social class, and other issues in their work. Readings in literary theory and criticism help with the interpretations of the primary texts. Prerequisite: One course in Spanish numbered 300 or higher.

SPAN 388     Women Authors of the Hispanic Caribbean and Diaspora  (4)

This course highlights the work of women authors from Cuba, the Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico, on the islands and in the United States. Key issues include gender, sexuality, race/ethnicity, migration, and biculturalism. Includes several literary genres and film with an emphasis on the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Prerequisite: One course in Spanish numbered 300 or higher.

SPAN 389     U.S. Latino and Latina Literature and Culture  (4)

A panoramic survey of the cultural production of Latinos and Latinas, or Hispanics, in the United States. Representative works from various literary genres, films, and the visual arts serve as the basis for the examination of recurring themes, which include: identity and self-definition, biculturalism, exile, migration, social class, political and social engagement, race, gender, and sexuality. Taught in English. Prerequisite: One course in Spanish numbered 203 or higher or placement.

SPAN 390     Latin American Literature and the Environment  (4)

A study of diverse ways in which Latin American literature and culture have portrayed the relationship between humans and the natural environment. Students study texts, films, and other materials from selected geographic regions to foster understanding of the cultural, political, and ecological history of environmental issues in Latin America. Prerequisite: One course in Spanish numbered 300 or higher.

SPAN 391     Contemporary Spanish and Latin American Cinema  (4)

This course explores and analyzes a selection of contemporary Spanish and Latin American films directed by men and women. The course provides a panoramic view of current trends in cinema along with basic analytical and theoretical tools to better understand the film text. The course is organized thematically around topics of politics of memory, gender and sexuality, and social and global issues. Prerequisite: One course in Spanish numbered 300 or higher.

SPAN 392     Audiovisual Cultures in Latin America  (4)

Based on theoretical approaches and following a chronological order, this course examines and analyzes a series of visual and auditive artistic manifestations developed by Latin American cultures. Topics include the painting, sculpture, architecture, and music of the Indian Baroque; the Casta Paintings; Mexican Muralism; the rise of the Bolero; photojournalism; the Third Cinema and the documentary tradition; the dictatorship aesthetic; the identity politics of telenovelas (soap operas); and pop music. Prerequisite: SPAN 301 or SPAN 302 or SPAN 303 or SPAN 304 or SPAN 391.

SPAN 393     Spanish and Hispanic American Women Filmmakers  (4)

This course explores and analyzes a selection of films directed by women in the Spanish and Hispanic American context. The course reviews theoretical approaches to cinema and considers the transnational nature of film production. The course is organized chronologically and deals with topics of gender and sexuality, politics of representation and memory, and other social and global issues. Prerequisite: SPAN 301 or SPAN 302 or SPAN 303 or SPAN 304.

SPAN 402     Cervantes and Don Quijote  (4)

This course is a close reading of Cervantes's masterpiece, together with a cultural overview of life in Spain during the 16th-17th Century as portrayed by Cervantes in his novel. Prerequisite: One course in Spanish numbered 300 or higher.

SPAN 404     Spanish Civil War and its Legacy  (4)

A study of the Republic, the Civil War, the dictatorship of Franco, and the transition to democracy. Students examine texts, films, and other materials from both sides of the conflict and give special attention to issues and controversies in contemporary Spain related to the war. Prerequisite: One course in Spanish numbered 300 or higher.

SPAN 405     Spanish Detective Novel 1975-present  (4)

This course covers the evolution of the detective novel from after the death of Franco to the present day. It studies the changes in Spanish society through the Transición to the new democratic government. Prerequisite: One course in Spanish numbered 300 or higher.

SPAN 407     Writing the Nation: Literature, Nationalism and Search for Identity in Latin America (1810-Present)  (4)

A study of national projects in Latin America from 1810 to the present. Topics include Bolivar, the wars of independence, nineteenth-century visions of progress, Vasconcelos' concept of The Cosmic Race, and contemporary movements for the inclusion of women, blacks, Native Americans, gays, and other marginalized groups in a common Latin American culture. Prerequisite: One course in Spanish numbered 300 or higher.

SPAN 409     Marvel and Margin in Latin American Culture  (4)

This course examines the recurrence of marginality and the marvelous as motifs in Latin American culture from the conquest to the present. These motifs are studied in relation to three thematic binaries: Civilization/Barbarism, Beauty/Monstrosity, and Realism/Fantasy. Students engage with relevant texts, films, and art from Latin American while paying close attention to current theoretical perspectives on the region. Prerequisite: SPAN 303 and SPAN 304.

SPAN 413     The Middle Ages after the Middle Ages  (4)

This course explores the reinterpretation and use of medieval works and of the Spanish Middle Ages itself in various post-medieval contexts from the Renaissance to the 21st century. Taught in Spanish. Prerequisite: SPAN 301 or SPAN 322 or SPAN 330 or SPAN 334.

SPAN 420     Experiences of Displacement: Migration and Exile in the Hispanic World  (4)

A civic engagement course that examines displacement in the Hispanic world in its theoretical and experiential dimensions. The course analyzes literary and cultural products from the Hispanic world, while participating in community engagement with the Latinx community on the Cumberland Plateau. The aim of the course is to develop an understanding of the individual and collective aspects of migration and exile beyond the text; to reflect on the ethnic and sociocultural diversity of the area, and to develop civic awareness. Prerequisite: One course in Spanish numbered 300 or higher.

SPAN 440     Directed Readings  (2 or 4)

Announced topics for selected students. This course may be repeated for credit when the topic differs. Prerequisite: Instructor prerequisite override required.

SPAN 444     Independent Study  (2 or 4)

For selected students. This course may be repeated for credit when the topic differs. Prerequisite: Instructor prerequisite override required.

SPAN 450     Special Topics  (4)

Study of a variable topic of special interest bearing on either Spanish or Latin American Literature. This course may be repeated for credit when the topic differs. Prerequisite: one course in Spanish numbered 301 or higher.

SPAN 495     Senior Seminar  (4)

Shared readings on key topics and concepts related to the Hispanic world. Each student also engages in research on a topic of interest, culminating in a critical research paper and an oral presentation. This seminar serves to fulfill the writing-intensive requirement within the major. Open only to seniors pursuing majors in Spanish.