General Education - Reading Closely

This is an archived copy of the 2020-2021 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

The following courses are approved to satisfy Learning Objective 1. Reading Closely: Literary Analysis and Interpretation. (G1)

ASIA 208Modern Chinese Literature in Translation4
ASIA 237Gender and Sexuality in Modern Chinese Literature and Culture4
CLST 122Explorations in Ancient Literature4
CLST 200Classical Drama4
CLST 202Ancient Lyric Poetry in Translation4
CLST 210Ancient Epic in Translation4
CLST 353Latin Literature in Translation4
ENGL 101Literature and Composition4
FREN 314Introduction to Literature, Culture, and History of the French-Speaking World4
FREN 400Greatest Hits of French Literature and Culture4
FYRP 106First-Year Seminar: Walking in Place4
FYRP 111First-Year Seminar: "Your Place or Mine?" The Tension of Place in Narrative and Story-telling4
FYRP 115First-Year Seminar: Here and There, Now and Then4
FYRP 116First-Year Seminar: Making a Place for Literary Imagination4
FYRP 121First-Year Seminar: Medieval Sewanee4
GREK 301Homer I4
GREK 302Homer II4
GREK 303Greek Historians I4
GREK 308Greek Orators II4
GREK 310New Testament4
GREK 401Greek Tragedy I4
GREK 403Greek Comedy4
GRMN 321Survey of German Culture and Literature I4
GRMN 355Once Upon a Time: The Literature and Culture of Fairy Tales4
HUMN 103Experience, Expression, and Exchange in Western Culture: Texts and Contexts of the Ancient World4
HUMN 105Experience, Expression, and Exchange in Western Culture: Texts and Contexts of Early Modern World4
HUMN 106Experience, Expression, and Exchange: Texts and Contexts of the Modern World4
HUMN 203Experience, Expression, and Exchange: Manifestos, Movements, and Terrorism4
HUMN 205Reading the Labyrinth4
HUMN 217Imitation, Quotation, Appropriation, and Genre4
LATN 300Caesar4
LATN 301Introduction to Latin Epic4
LATN 302Cicero4
LATN 303Catullus4
LATN 305Love Elegy4
LATN 307Ovid4
LATN 308Sallust4
LATN 309Livy4
LATN 310The Roman Novel4
LATN 313Lucretius4
LATN 320Horace's Lyric Poetry4
LATN 321Horace: Satires and Epistles4
LATN 401Roman Comedy4
LATN 403Prose of the Roman Empire4
LATN 404Poetry of the Roman Empire4
LATN 406Roman Philosophers4
LATN 407Vergil4
RELG 104The Many Faces of the Qur'an4
RELG 141Introduction to the Bible4
RELG 143Introduction to the Bible I: Old Testament4
RELG 144Introduction to the Bible II: New Testament4
RELG 243Gospels4
RHET 311U.S. Public Address I: 1620-18654
RHET 312U.S. Public Address II: 1865-Present4
RHET 321Rhetoric in the Ancient World4
RUSN 35119th-Century Russian Literature in English Translation4
RUSN 35220th-Century Russian Literature in English Translation4
RUSN 354Real Men, Real Women? Gender in 20th and 21st-Century Russian Literature and Culture4
RUSN 356Nabokov4
RUSN 361Tolstoy in English Translation4
RUSN 362Dostoevsky in English Translation4
RUSN 401The 19th Century4
SPAN 386Contemporary Central American Literature and Film4