
This is an archived copy of the 2020-2021 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Requirements for the Major in Finance

The major requires successful completion of the following1:

ECON 201Microeconomic Theory4
ECON 202Macroeconomic Theory4
FINC 201Corporate Finance4
FINC 301Investments4
FINC 410Advanced Security Analysis4
MATH 101Calculus I4
or MATH 102 Calculus II
PHIL 232Business Ethics4
STAT 214Statistical Modeling4
or ECON 333 Econometrics
Electives: Choose three courses from the lists below including at least two from Group A12
Group A
Public Finance and Fiscal Policy
International Finance
Derivatives and Fixed Income Securities
Financial Modeling
Real Estate Finance
Group B
Money and Banking
Industrial Organization and Public Policy
Analysis of Economic Decisions
Behavioral Economics
Growth Theory
Energy Economics
Game Theory
Total Semester Hours44
Additional Requirements
A comprehensive examination 2