Medieval Studies

This is an archived copy of the 2020-2021 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Website: Medieval Studies

Medieval studies is an interdisciplinary major, combining courses in languages, literature, philosophy, history, and art.  Students learn about the variety and complexity of the Middle Ages, and complete their senior year by working closely with faculty members on a focused research project.

Medieval Colloquium

The annual Sewanee Medieval Colloquium brings scholars to campus to discuss various issues of the Middle Ages. Attendees spend several days on campus, meet with faculty and student groups, and speak to classes.

Recent themes of the colloquium have included law, religion, and the role of women in medieval society. Guest lecturers have come from prominent national and international institutions of higher learning.

The colloquium is sponsored by the University and supported by grants from the duPont Lectures Committee and by individual and group sponsors or patrons. The Colloquium Committee also sponsors a series of papers on medieval subjects presented early in the spring term by members of the college faculty. On occasion, student papers are included in the series.

The Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (CMRS)

This centre/program was founded in 1975 in Oxford as a permanent institute for the interdisciplinary study of the medieval, Renaissance and early modern periods. The institute provides academic training for overseas students who wish to complete part of their education in Oxford in these areas of study. Because Sewanee is a CMRS consortium member, Sewanee students who qualify have access to this program.

Professors: Conn, Engel, Glacet, McDonough, Peters, Raulston, Ridyard (Chair)

Associate Professors: Bruce, Irvin

The medieval studies program provides the structure within departmental course offerings for a comprehensive major in a particular area of concentration in the medieval period — such as literature, history, or philosophy — chosen by the student and approved by the committee at the time the major is declared.

Travel and study abroad are highly desirable for students electing this major. They are encouraged to participate in British Studies at Oxford, European Studies, the semester at the Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies at Oxford, or other established programs.

Requirements for the Major in Medieval Studies

The major requires successful completion of the following:

Course Requirements 1
ARTH 320Medieval Art and Architecture4
PHIL 203Ancient Philosophy from Homer to Augustine4
PHIL 302Medieval Philosophy4
Select one of the following: 24-8
Old English Language and Literature
and Elementary Latin II
Early French Literature
and Elementary Latin II
Another medieval language course in addition to completion of LATN 104
An independent study in another medieval language (with permission from the chair of medieval studies) combined with LATN 104 or above
Select two of the following:8
Medieval Drama and its Legacy
Medieval English Literature
Select two of the following:8
Medieval Europe I
Medieval Europe II
Medieval Women -- In Their Own Words
Medieval England II
Saints and Society in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages
MDST 444Independent Study (research project and paper) 34
Total Semester Hours36-40
Additional Requirements
A comprehensive examination 4


A citation of honors on the research paper and on the written comprehensive examination by a majority of the members of the examining panel qualify the major for honors.

Requirements for the Minor in Medieval Studies

The minor requires successful completion of the following:

MDST 400Medieval Colloquium Seminar 14
Select five of the following courses with at least one course from three of the four areas of art history, history, literature, and philosophy. 220
Art History
Medieval Art and Architecture
Medieval Europe I
Medieval Europe II
Medieval England II
Saints and Society in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages
Old English Language and Literature
Medieval Drama and its Legacy
Medieval English Literature
Early French Literature
Introduction to Medieval Spain and the Road to Santiago
Middle Ages in Spanish Culture and Literature
The Culture of Chivalry
Medieval Philosophy
Total Semester Hours24

Medieval Studies Courses

MDST 400     Medieval Colloquium Seminar  (4)

This interdisciplinary course explores medieval topics.

MDST 444     Independent Study  (2 or 4)

This course may be repeated for credit when the topic differs. Prerequisite: Instructor prerequisite override required.