General Education - Understanding the Arts
The following courses are approved to satisfy Learning Objective 2. Understanding the Arts: Creativity, Performance, and Interpretation. (G2)
Code | Title | Semester Hours |
ART 101 | Line, Form and Space: Studies in Drawing, Photography and Sculpture | 4 |
ART 102 | Color, Motion, and Time: Studies in Digital Art, Painting, and Video | 4 |
ART 103 | Introduction to Lens and Time-based Media | 4 |
ART 104 | Introduction to Three- and Four-Dimensional Media | 4 |
ART 105 | Introduction to Drawing and Two-Dimensional Media | 4 |
ART 231 | Topics in Electronic and Interactive Art | 4 |
ART 242 | The Lens and the Landscape: Documentary Studies and the Environment | 4 |
ART 248 | Video off the Wall: Topics in Video Installation Art | 4 |
ART 251 | Topics in Contemporary Drawing | 4 |
ART 255 | Collage and Assemblage: Combinations of Contemporary Culture | 4 |
ART 263 | Intermediate Documentary Projects in Photography | 4 |
ART 282 | Sustainable Structures | 4 |
ART 287 | Electronic Sculpture | 4 |
ART 299 | Painting from Life | 4 |
ARTH 103 | Survey of Western Art I | 4 |
ARTH 104 | Survey of Western Art II | 4 |
ARTH 105 | The Arts of Asia | 4 |
ARTH 111 | Latin American Art, Ancient to Modern | 4 |
ARTH 202 | History of Photography | 4 |
ARTH 212 | American Animation, 1910-1960 | 4 |
ARTH 345 | Modern Art in Europe and the Americas | 4 |
ARTH 350 | Spanish Painting | 4 |
ARTH 365 | Modern and Postmodern Architecture | 4 |
ARTH 370 | Art in Germany: 1919-1933 | 4 |
ARTH 495 | Spanish Art, Western Art, and the Road to Santiago | 4 |
ARTH 497 | Europe: A Community in the Arts | 4 |
CLST 123 | Explorations in Antiquity and the Arts | 4 |
CLST 150 | Classics in Cinema | 4 |
CLST 207 | Greek Archaeology | 4 |
CLST 208 | Roman Archaeology | 4 |
CSCI 276 | Multimedia Programming and Design | 4 |
DANC 105 | Experiencing Dance History and Culture | 4 |
FILM 105 | Introduction to World Cinema | 4 |
FILM 108 | History of Film: Invention to Mid-Century | 4 |
FILM 109 | History of Film: Mid-Century to the Present | 4 |
FYRP 103 | First-Year Seminar: Photography of What is Not Seen | 4 |
FYRP 105 | First-Year Seminar: Mountain Music Up and Down Sewanee Mountain | 4 |
FYRP 110 | First-Year Seminar: Clothing, Textiles, and the Identity of Place | 4 |
FYRP 118 | First Year Seminar: Memory, History, and Story - Site Specific Devised Performance | 4 |
FYRP 119 | First-Year Seminar: Building Place—The Architecture and Art of Sewanee | 4 |
FYRP 123 | First-Year Seminar: The Stories We Share: An Exploration of Place-Based Storytelling | 4 |
FYRP 124 | First-Year Seminar: The Mythology of Place on Stage and Screen | 4 |
GRMN 353 | German Film | 4 |
HUMN 104 | Experience, Expression, and Exchange in Western Culture: Texts and Contexts of the Medieval World | 4 |
HUMN 105 | Experience, Expression, and Exchange in Western Culture: Texts and Contexts of Early Modern World | 4 |
HUMN 106 | Experience, Expression, and Exchange: Texts and Contexts of the Modern World | 4 |
HUMN 205 | Reading the Labyrinth | 4 |
HUMN 207 | Experience, Expression, and Exchange: The Great War and the Emergence of Modern Memory | 4 |
HUMN 214 | Experience, Expression, and Exchange: Histories of Science, Vision, and Art: 1500-Present | 4 |
HUMN 217 | Imitation, Quotation, Appropriation, and Genre | 4 |
INGS 100 | Media and Globalization | 4 |
MUSC 101 | Listen Up—Your Musical Ear in the Twenty-First Century | 4 |
MUSC 103 | Piano Skills and Musical Fundamentals II | 2 |
MUSC 104 | Piano Skills and Musical Fundamentals I II | 4 |
MUSC 111 | Music of Western Civilization | 4 |
MUSC 143 | Move on up a Little Higher: The History of Gospel Music | 4 |
MUSC 160 | Theory and Musicianship for the Twenty-First Century – Foundations | 4 |
MUSC 211 | Song, Symphony, Stage: Music in Western Civilization | 4 |
MUSC 224 | Musics of Latin America | 4 |
RUSN 355 | Russian and Soviet Film | 4 |
RUSN 364 | Post-Soviet Literature, Theatre, and Performance Art | 4 |
SPAN 381 | History of Latin American Cinema | 4 |
SPAN 392 | Audiovisual Cultures in Latin America | 4 |
SPAN 393 | Spanish and Hispanic American Women Filmmakers | 4 |
THTR 101 | Introduction to Theatre | 4 |
THTR 131 | Fundamentals of Acting | 4 |
THTR 246 | Design and Décor Period Styles | 4 |
THTR 261 | Grassroots Theatre: Theatre as Civic Engagement | 4 |