
This is an archived copy of the 2022-2023 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Requirements for the Master of Fine Arts Degree

Complete twelve semester hours in one or more of the following writing workshops: 112
Workshop in Poetry Writing
Workshop in Fiction Writing
Workshop in Creative Non-Fiction
Workshop in Playwriting/Screenwriting
Complete twelve semester hours in genre craft or literature courses covering multiple traditions and literary periods 112
ENGL 599Thesis 1, 26
Total Semester Hours30

Learning Expectations for Master of Fine Arts Program

The School of Letters expects graduates of its Master of Fine Arts program to have developed the following skills and areas of expertise:

  1. A rich and articulate understanding of the formal elements of the genre in which they write.
  2. Sufficient knowledge of the history and traditions of that genre to be able to place their own work in relation to these.
  3. Skilled employment of techniques of intensive revision.
  4. Production of polished literary work of publishable quality.
  5. Verbal articulation of the purposes of their work, accounting for their artistic choices and explaining the work’s place both within its genre and within their own developing craft.