Master of Arts with Concentration in Church History

This is an archived copy of the 2022-2023 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

The concentration is designed for those students who intend to pursue further graduate education in theology or its cognate disciplines or those who seek additional depth of knowledge in a particular field of study. It may be appropriate in some cases for those who do not plan to pursue doctoral study but who expect to teach in a specific discipline in institutions overseas.

Graduation from the School of Theology follows the successful completion of all requirements for the specified program of study and the approval of the degree by the Senate of the University upon nomination by the Faculty of the School of Theology.

A Master of Arts student who has successfully completed all prescribed work, has completed all non-credit degree requirements, has submitted a complete portfolio if applicable, and has a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.33 is eligible to be awarded the Master of Arts degree. Work toward the degree is to be concluded within four consecutive years from the date of matriculation.

Additionally, a student must satisfy all financial obligations to the University. The University will neither confer a degree nor provide transcripts to any student or former student who has unsatisfied financial obligations to the University.


Students pursuing a concentration in Church History complete a core curriculum, do additional coursework in the area of concentration, and complete a research paper in the area of concentration. They must also complete certain non-credit degree requirements. Courses taken in the core curriculum may be counted towards the hours required for a concentration.

Core Courses
BIBL 501Old Testament I: From Prehistory to the Promised Land3
BIBL 502Old Testament II: Prophets, Exile, and Aftermath3
BIBL 511New Testament I: The Gospels in Context3
BIBL 512New Testament II: The Bible after Jesus3
CHHT 511Church Histories I: Asia and Africa3
CHHT 512Church Histories II: Europe and North America3
CEMT 511Introduction to Moral Theology3
THEO 511Introduction to Christian Theology3
Select twelve additional semester hours in Church History (CHHT)12
Select nine additional semester hours of electives (to include three hours in ethics)9
THEO 598Research Project 13
Total Semester Hours48

Non-credit Degree Requirements1

Bibliography, Research, and Writing Workshop
Cultural Diversity Workshop
Education for Ministry (EfM) Workshop
Safeguarding God's Children Workshop
Safeguarding God's People Workshop