Master of Divinity

This is an archived copy of the 2022-2023 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

The Master of Divinity curriculum of the School of Theology is designed to provide students with the spiritual formation, knowledge, and skills required to become committed, effective ordained clergy. To this end, the curriculum includes study of Scripture, the Christian tradition, ministerial skills, and modern cultural contexts, with a view to the reasoned practice of the ministry of Word and Sacrament in both its historical context and its contemporary setting.

Spiritual Formation

Christian ministry requires leaders who are sensitive to the presence of God in their own lives and in the lives of those with whom they are called to serve. Through daily worship, prayer, study, spiritual direction, and quiet days, the School of Theology seeks to develop in its students such an awareness and pattern of life.

Worship Life

The community is grounded in worship. Morning Prayer, the Holy Eucharist, and Evening Prayer are celebrated in the Chapel of the Apostles. Students and faculty take part in at least one of those offices daily, including a weekly community Eucharist. Attendance at the School’s Triduum liturgies (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Vigil) is expected of seminary students. Those in field placements are released from obligations to their fieldwork parishes in order to participate fully in the Triduum at the School. Through participation in the church’s liturgical life, students deepen their awareness of the meaning of worship and are provided opportunities to develop their skills in the ordering and conducting of a variety of Prayer Book rites. Students and faculty participate in planning liturgy, leading worship, and preaching.

The Dean has responsibility for the spiritual and community life of the School of Theology. The Dean is the Ordinary of the Chapel of the Apostles.


The master of divinity program is designed to educate a critically informed clergy for ministry in a changing world. The School of Theology is committed to the task of integrating the various areas of theological study within a basic core curriculum.

Electives allow students to focus their attention and advance their learning in selected areas of academic and practical interest. Lectures, seminars, and small group discussions all contribute to the ongoing task of critical and practical integration of the traditions of theological learning with life in the contemporary world.

Requirements for the Degree

The curriculum for the Master of Divinity degree requires 75 semester hours. To retain the status of regular (full-time) student, at least twelve semester hours must be taken for credit each semester.

Core courses are listed indicating when each is normally taken. Circumstances, such as sabbaticals, may dictate changes in when a course is offered. Students, such as those participating in an exchange program or those transferring credits from another school, may find that their sequence must differ from the paradigm below. In such cases, the student should be mindful of course prerequisites and should consult with their advisor (and, when appropriate, the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs).

Graduation from the School of Theology follows the successful completion of all requirements for the specified program of study and the approval of the degree by the Senate of the University upon nomination by the Faculty of the School of Theology.

A Master of Divinity student who has successfully completed all prescribed work, has fulfilled the clinical pastoral education and field education requirements, has completed all non-credit degree requirements, has submitted a complete portfolio, and has a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.33 is eligible to be awarded the Master of Divinity degree. Work toward this degree is to be concluded within six consecutive years from the date of matriculation.

Additionally, a student must satisfy all financial obligations to the University. The University will neither confer a degree nor provide transcripts to any student or former student who has unsatisfied financial obligations to the University.

Advent Semester
BIBL 501Old Testament I: From Prehistory to the Promised Land3
BIBL 511New Testament I: The Gospels in Context3
CHHT 511Church Histories I: Asia and Africa3
THEO 503Foundations of Christian Spirituality3
Easter Semester
BIBL 502Old Testament II: Prophets, Exile, and Aftermath3
BIBL 512New Testament II: The Bible after Jesus3
CHHT 512Church Histories II: Europe and North America3
HOML 530Introduction to Preaching3
Summer Term
Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) is ordinarily taken in the summer after the junior year, if it was not taken before matriculation.
Advent Semester
LTCM 507Church Music3
MNST 511Pastoral Theology: Theology and Practice of Pastoral Care3
MNST 515Congregational Studies3
THEO 511Introduction to Christian Theology3
Easter Semester
CEMT 511Introduction to Moral Theology3
LTCM 511History of Christian Worship3
MNST 516Parish Leadership3
Elective 13
Advent Semester
LTCM 521Pastoral Liturgics: The Prayer Book of the Episcopal Church3
MNST 525Introduction to Christian Education and Formation1
MNST 564Community and Organizational Leadership3
WREL 501World Religions2
Electives 13
Easter Semester
WREL 502World Christianities and Missiology2
Electives 113
Total Semester Hours75

Non-credit Degree Requirements1

Bibliography, Research, and Writing Workshop
Chapel Participation, as scheduled
Clinical Pastoral Education
Constitution and Canons (Title IV) Workshop
Cross-Cultural Workshop
Cultural Diversity Workshop
Education for Ministry (EfM) Workshop
Mental Health First Aid Workshop
Safeguarding God's Children Workshop
Safeguarding God's People Workshop


Each Master of Divinity student will maintain a portfolio, filed with the Coordinator of Academic Affairs in the School of Theology. A completed portfolio is a degree requirement. Portfolios are used for program assessment. A complete portfolio includes:1

Select one of the following:
A short paper from THEO 511
A paper from CEMT 511
Select one of the following:
The Prophets paper from BIBL 502
A paper or final exam from BIBL 511 or BIBL 512
Select one of the following:
WREL 502 assignment
The Prophets paper from BIBL 502
The issues paper from BIBL 502
One mid-term exam or paper from either CHHT 511 or CHHT 512
The final exam from LTCM 521
The final exam from WREL 501
The middler evaluation
One exam from MNST 511
Theology of Preaching reflection paper from HOML 530
Field education final evaluation