Global Citizenship (GLBL)

GLBL 101     Global Citizenship and Study Abroad  (1)

The course prepares students for study abroad experiences by introducing them to concepts of global citizenship, techniques for field investigation (borrowed mostly from anthropology), and, to a lesser degree, social processes of integration into a new host culture. Prerequisite: Only open to students approved to Study Abroad.

GLBL 102     Global Citizenship and Reflecting on Study Away  (1)

Students reflect on the study away experience, use storytelling techniques to consider and express the personal impact of study away, and undertake a project that puts into action the awareness, skills, and attitudes of global citizenship. Through topics including culture shock, identity development, and readjustment to social life in the US, students work to integrate their study away experience with their academic and co-curricular work at Sewanee and beyond.

GLBL 150     Academic Writing Circles  (1)

Intended for English language learners, this course offers supplemental instruction for students who are enrolled in a course with substantial writing assignments. Students will use writing assignments from their other courses during the semester to develop a unique plan for improving their writing. With the instructor, they will workshop their written work with their peers, focus on targeted writing skills, gain practice in presenting and discussing their ideas, and be asked to reflect carefully on their experience with the writing process.

GLBL 200     Field Studies in Global Community Engagement: Food Systems in Costa Rica  (4)

Through pre-departure meetings, an immersive cross-cultural spring break experience, and post-trip meetings, students will develop a greater understanding of global citizenship, place-based learning, and community engagement and empowerment. The in-country experience will include field trips, close interactions with local populations, organized community engagement opportunities and hands-on work experience. In this section, students will learn about Costa Rican agriculture, with an emphasis on sustainable food systems. Students will also learn about traditional cuisines, issues of regional and international food security, and the impact of industrial agriculture on traditional food systems. This course will require additional costs associated with the spring break outreach trip to Costa Rica. Prerequisite: Open only to students admitted to the Outreach Trip to Costa Rica.

GLBL 442     Internship  (2 to 8)

Students engage in an approved internship on an authorized study abroad or study away program. Students are expected to complete 45-67.5 hours of internship work per credit hour. Interning students will complete bi-weekly reflective exercises and an academic paper at the end of the internship.