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ARTH 323     Imagining the Medieval Italian City  (4)

This course explores the ways medieval Italian city-dwellers imagined and shaped their communities and civic identities in art, architecture, and literature, with a focus on vibrant thirteenth and fourteenth century urban centers like Siena, Florence, and Padua. Medieval Italian urbanites strategically imagined and represented their civic ideals and communities in the face of factional divisions and violence. Art, architecture, and urban planning had essential roles to play, as communities, institutions, and religious orders sought to define themselves in an accessible visual language, and as organizations.

American Studies

...act as social principles. ARTH 340 American Art...or IB credit. HIST 323 The Many Faces...

Women's and Gender Studies

...movements around gender fluidity. ARTH 308 Gender in...historically attended them. RELG 323 Engendering Religion (4...