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ENGL 338     Border Fictions: Literature of the U.S.-Mexico Border  (4)

This course focuses on literary representations--in fiction, nonfiction and poetry--of the experience and meaning of the imaginary line that divides the United States and Mexico. Among the themes to be discussed are the experience of border-crossing (in both directions), the possibility or impossibility of assimilating to life across the border, and especially the desire that draws migrants toward el otro lado (the other side). Writers to be discussed may include Maria Amparo Ruiz de Burton, Katherine Ann Porter, Americo Paredes, Sandra Cisneros, Cormac McCarthy, Oscar Casares, and Luis Alberto Urrea. Prerequisite: One course in English with attribute GFWI.

American Studies

...One course in English with attribute GFWI. ENGL 338 Border Fictions: Literature of the U...

Women's and Gender Studies

...male and female sexuality. ENGL 207 Women in...first-year students. POLS 338 Constitutional Law: Civil...