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INGS 400 Senior Seminar (4)
An interdisciplinary seminar required of all seniors in international and global studies. Shared readings on key topics and concepts in globalization are discussed in relation to students' geographic concentration and abroad experiences. Additionally, each student produces and presents a major research paper related to the student's course work as well as abroad experience and language study. This seminar is normally offered in the fall, in part to reintegrate majors who were abroad in the spring or summer as well as to draw best on the abroad experience while still fresh. This course also serves as the writing intensive credit within the major. Open only to seniors pursuing majors in international and global studies.
International and Global Studies
The major in international and global studies involves the interdisciplinary study of global processes as they play out in various parts of the world. Students learn that cultural borrowing, border crossing, and interdependence are not new, but that these processes operate today at a heightened pace and degree of complexity. The combination of coursework, abroad experience, and language learning fosters students’ successful navigation of this complex globalized world.
Women's and Gender Studies enroll in WMST 400 in the fall...AP or IB credit. INGS 308 Body Film...