Courses with a G4 Attribute
Only History (HIST) courses from the following list of all courses with the G4 attribute may be used to satisfy the requirement in the History major or minor.
Code | Title | Semester Hours |
Exploring Past and Present (attribute G4) | ||
AFST 150 | Introduction to African and African American Studies | 4 |
AMST 251 | Black Masculinity in the United States | 4 |
ANTH 104 | Introductory Cultural Anthropology | 4 |
ANTH 106 | Introductory Physical Anthropology and Archaeology | 4 |
ANTH 109 | World Prehistory | 4 |
ANTH 218 | Archaeology of North America | 4 |
ANTH 222 | Iron Age Europe: Celtic Culture and Archaeology | 4 |
ANTH 298 | Ecological Anthropology | 4 |
ARTH 496 | Islamic Spain and Spanish Art | 4 |
CLST 121 | Explorations in Ancient Society and Its Legacy | 4 |
CLST 160 | Greek and Roman Private Life | 4 |
CLST 250 | The Golden Age of Athens | 4 |
CLST 349 | Sex and Sexuality in Classical Antiquity | 4 |
CLST 350 | Women and Gender in Classical Antiquity | 4 |
ECON 102 | Introduction to Macroeconomics | 4 |
ECON 113 | Economics of Social Issues | 4 |
ECON 120 | Principles of Economics | 4 |
ENST 201 | Foundations of Food and Agriculture | 4 |
FREN 301 | Discovering Paris | 4 |
FYRP 102 | First-Year Seminar: Place, Memory, and Preserving Tradition | 4 |
FYRP 107 | First-Year Seminar: Founded to Make Men--a History of Sewanee Manhood | 4 |
FYRP 112 | First-Year Seminar: A Landscape for Memory | 4 |
FYRP 117 | First-Year Seminar: Community Narratives of the South Cumberland Plateau | 4 |
FYRP 120 | First-Year Seminar: The Local Place and the Forces of Globalization | 4 |
FYRP 122 | First-Year Seminar: Anthropologies of Place | 4 |
FYRP 125 | First-Year Seminar: The Idea of Home: Ecology, Economics, and Nativity | 4 |
FYRP 127 | First-Year Seminar: Reimagination and Regeneration of Place | 4 |
FYRP 129 | First-Year Seminar: Locating Slavery's Legacies at Sewanee | 4 |
FYRP 131 | First-Year Seminar: Taking (from) Place(s): Collections Local Knowledge in the History of Science | 4 |
FYRP 132 | First-Year Seminar: Displacement and Belonging in Narratives of Historically Excluded Communities | 4 |
GRMN 311 | Cultural Inquiry: Narratives and Belonging | 4 |
GRMN 356 | The Nazi Period | 4 |
HIST 100 | Topics in Western Civilization | 4 |
HIST 111 | Religion and Power in the Pre-Modern West | 4 |
HIST 112 | Women Changing the World: Gender and Social Movements | 4 |
HIST 113 | Civil Disobedience from Ancient Greece to Modern Africa | 4 |
HIST 114 | Health and Illness in History: Reading and Writing about Disease in American History | 4 |
HIST 116 | Revolution and Evolution: Europe since the Eighteenth Century | 4 |
HIST 117 | Discovering America, 1400-2000 | 4 |
HIST 120 | Children and Childhood in History | 4 |
HIST 121 | Consumer Culture and Its Discontents, 17th - 20th Centuries | 4 |
HIST 122 | Science, Society, and the Archives | 4 |
HIST 124 | World in the Twentieth Century | 4 |
HIST 125 | The Age of Discovery: Encounter of Two Worlds | 4 |
HIST 126 | Into the Heart of Darkness: Imperialism in the 19th and 20th Centuries | 4 |
HIST 127 | Atlantic Britons, 1500-1850 | 4 |
HIST 128 | Adventures at Sea: The Indian Ocean in World History | 4 |
HIST 129 | Jerusalem: Histories of the Real and Imagined Holy City | 4 |
HIST 131 | "We are not what we seem": Race, Class, and Identity in American History since 1863 | 4 |
HIST 132 | Witches, Witch-hunting and Fear in Early Modern Europe, 1450-1700 | 4 |
HIST 133 | Before #MeToo: Sex, Power, and Work in the Modern U.S. | 4 |
HIST 201 | History of the United States I | 4 |
HIST 202 | History of the United States II | 4 |
HIST 204 | Rich and Poor in America from the Colonial Period to the Present | 4 |
HIST 205 | History of Britain and Ireland I | 4 |
HIST 206 | History of Britain and Ireland II | 4 |
HIST 207 | Russia: Autocracy, Orthodoxy, Serfdom, Revolution | 4 |
HIST 208 | Russia: Revolution and Repression, War and Cold War, Collapse and Renewal | 4 |
HIST 209 | Early Modern Europe | 4 |
HIST 210 | Early Modern Cities | 4 |
HIST 211 | China: Inside the Great Wall | 4 |
HIST 212 | Modern East Asia | 4 |
HIST 214 | Africa Inside Out | 4 |
HIST 217 | Renaissance and Reformation | 4 |
HIST 218 | The Age of Enlightenment | 4 |
HIST 219 | History of Africa to 1880 | 4 |
HIST 220 | History of Africa Since 1880 | 4 |
HIST 221 | History of India and South Asia I | 4 |
HIST 222 | History of India and South Asia II | 4 |
HIST 232 | African-American History since 1865 | 4 |
HIST 234 | British Reformations | 4 |
HIST 237 | Women in U.S. History, 1600-1870 | 4 |
HIST 238 | Women in U.S. History, 1870 to the Present | 4 |
HIST 267 | Early Modern Germany: Reformation to Revolutions | 4 |
HIST 270 | European Women in War, Revolution, and Terrorism | 4 |
HIST 271 | The French Revolutionary Era, 1789-1814 | 4 |
HIST 272 | France Since 1815 | 4 |
HIST 273 | The Haitian Revolution | 4 |
HIST 283 | Environmental History | 4 |
HIST 289 | The Digital Past: Concepts, Methods, and Tools | 4 |
HIST 292 | Jews in the Greco-Roman World | 4 |
HIST 293 | Greeks, Romans, and Barbarians | 4 |
HIST 296 | History of the Middle East I | 4 |
HIST 297 | History of the Middle East II | 4 |
HIST 298 | History of Islam | 4 |
HIST 307 | Revolutions and Revolutionaries in the Middle East | 4 |
HIST 328 | Slavery, Race, and the University | 4 |
HUMN 203 | Experience, Expression, and Exchange: Manifestos, Movements, and Terrorism | 4 |
HUMN 204 | Experience, Expression, and Exchange: Utopias and Dystopias | 4 |
HUMN 207 | Experience, Expression, and Exchange: The Great War and the Emergence of Modern Memory | 4 |
HUMN 210 | Modern Intellectual Traditions | 4 |
HUMN 214 | Experience, Expression, and Exchange: Histories of Science, Vision, and Art: 1500-Present | 4 |
HUMN 215 | Introduction to Digital Humanities through Post-Soviet Identity and America's South | 4 |
HUMN 225 | The Nobel Prize | 4 |
INGS 104 | Oil: The Fuel of Globalization | 4 |
INGS 105 | Globalization and Culture in the Americas | 4 |
INGS 107 | Sports in Global Perspective | 4 |
INGS 201 | Youth Cultures in Urban Africa | 4 |
INGS 207 | Globalization, Popular Culture, and Politics in West Africa | 4 |
INGS 208 | West and Central Africa in the Atlantic World | 4 |
INGS 316 | Global Migration and Border Crises | 4 |
INGS 325 | Globalization and the Challenges of Development in Ghana | 4 |
POLS 101 | American Government and Politics | 4 |
POLS 103 | Comparative Politics | 4 |
POLS 105 | Introduction to Political Theory | 4 |
POLS 107 | The Political Agenda | 4 |
POLS 150 | World Politics | 4 |
POLS 206 | State Politics | 4 |
POLS 209 | Immigration, Politics, and Identity | 4 |
POLS 210 | The Politics of Poverty and Inequality | 4 |
POLS 211 | Democracy and Citizenship | 4 |
POLS 214 | Democracy, Dissent, and Revolution | 4 |
POLS 216 | Media and Politics | 4 |
POLS 220 | International Conflict | 4 |
POLS 221 | Peace and Diplomacy | 4 |
POLS 222 | United States Foreign Policy | 4 |
POLS 223 | Public Policy | 4 |
POLS 227 | Africa in World Politics | 4 |
POLS 228 | The Politics of the Modern Middle East and North Africa | 4 |
POLS 238 | Punishment | 4 |
POLS 248 | China's Environmental Crisis | 4 |
POLS 249 | China and the World | 4 |
POLS 260 | Political Theory of the Environment | 4 |
POLS 270 | Introduction to International Security | 4 |
RELG 235 | Cult Controversies: Race, Gender, and Sex in America's 'Alternative' Religions | 4 |
RELG 395 | Appalachian Religion | 4 |
RHET 311 | U.S. Public Address I: 1620-1865 | 4 |
RHET 312 | U.S. Public Address II: 1865-Present | 4 |
RHET 321 | Rhetoric in the Ancient World | 4 |
RUSN 310 | Russian Civilization | 4 |
RUSN 363 | Environmental Literature and the History of Science and Ecocide in the USSR | 4 |
WMST 100 | Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies | 4 |
WMST 251 | Black Masculinity in the United States | 4 |