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GREK 301     Homer I  (4)

Selected books of the Iliad with supplementary reading. Prerequisite: GREK 203 or higher or placement.


1 No more than eight semester hours may be applied from any combination of the following courses:  CLST 121  (Explorations in Ancient Society and Its Legacy),  CLST 122  (Explorations in Ancient Literature),  CLST 123  (Explorations in Antiquity and the Arts),  CLST 124 ​ (Explorations in Ancient Ethics, Religion, and Belief).  2 Greek majors planning graduate studies in classics should complete courses in Latin at least through 301. 3 A student accepted to any of the majors in the Department of Classics is assigned a reading list of ancient authors and modern works bearing on the languages, literatures, and civilizations of ancient Greece and Rome. Part of the comprehensive examination is based on these readings.