General Education - Comprehending Cross-Culturally - Language
The following courses are approved to satisfy Learning Objective 6. Comprehending Cross-Culturally: Language and Global Studies. (G6)
Code | Title | Semester Hours |
CHIN 301 | Advanced Chinese | 4 |
FREN 300 | Advanced French | 4 |
FREN 313 | Writing and Speaking French | 4 |
FREN 314 | Introduction to Literature, Culture, and History of the French-Speaking World | 4 |
GREK 301 | Homer I | 4 |
GREK 302 | Homer II | 4 |
GREK 303 | Greek Historians I | 4 |
GREK 305 | Greek Lyric Poets | 4 |
GREK 308 | Greek Orators II | 4 |
GREK 310 | New Testament | 4 |
GREK 315 | Greek Tragedy I | 4 |
GREK 318 | Greek Comedy | 4 |
GRMN 204 | Contemporary German Cultures II | 4 |
GRMN 309 | Erich Kästner: A Weimar Author | 4 |
GRMN 310 | Cultural Inquiry: The Magic and Meanings of Fairy Tales | 4 |
GRMN 311 | Cultural Inquiry: Narratives and Belonging | 4 |
GRMN 312 | Cultural Inquiry: Pop Culture and Society | 4 |
GRMN 313 | Special Topics in the Environment and Sustainability | 4 |
GRMN 321 | Textual Inquiry: Literature in Context, 1750-1900 | 4 |
GRMN 322 | Textual Inquiry: Literature in Context, 1900 to the Present | 4 |
GRMN 324 | Reading Berlin | 4 |
GRMN 360 | Sewanee in Berlin: Advanced German | 4 |
ITAL 301 | Introduction to Italian Literature | 4 |
ITAL 302 | Introduction to Drama | 4 |
ITAL 303 | Introduction to Prose | 4 |
ITAL 305 | Italian Culture and Society | 4 |
ITAL 326 | Environmental Crises in Italy | 4 |
ITAL 355 | Special Topics | 4 |
LATN 300 | Caesar | 4 |
LATN 301 | Introduction to Latin Epic | 4 |
LATN 302 | Cicero | 4 |
LATN 303 | Catullus | 4 |
LATN 305 | Love Elegy | 4 |
LATN 306 | Roman Satire | 4 |
LATN 307 | Ovid | 4 |
LATN 308 | Sallust | 4 |
LATN 309 | Livy | 4 |
LATN 310 | The Roman Novel | 4 |
LATN 313 | Lucretius | 4 |
LATN 320 | Horace's Lyric Poetry | 4 |
LATN 321 | Horace: Satires and Epistles | 4 |
LATN 336 | Roman Philosophers | 4 |
LATN 337 | Vergil | 4 |
LATN 401 | Roman Comedy | 4 |
LATN 403 | Prose of the Roman Empire | 4 |
LATN 404 | Poetry of the Roman Empire | 4 |
RUSN 301 | Advanced Russian | 4 |
RUSN 302 | Readings in Russian Literature | 4 |
RUSN 303 | Introduction to Russian Verse | 4 |
RUSN 304 | Contemporary Russian in Cultural Context | 4 |
RUSN 311 | Composition and Conversation | 4 |
RUSN 312 | Advanced Russian Language through Late-Soviet and Contemporary Film | 4 |
RUSN 401 | The 19th Century | 4 |
RUSN 402 | Advanced Russian through Contemporary Literature and Society | 4 |
SPAN 204 | Topics in Spanish-Speaking Cultures | 4 |
SPAN 299 | Gateways to Latin American, Spanish, and Latinx Studies | 4 |
SPAN 301 | Spanish Literature and Culture through 1700 | 4 |
SPAN 302 | Spanish Literature and Culture, 1700 to the present | 4 |
SPAN 303 | Latin American Literature and Culture, Pre-Colonial to Independence | 4 |
SPAN 304 | Latin American Literature and Culture, Independence to the Present | 4 |
SPAN 309 | Overview of Latin American Literature | 4 |
SPAN 311 | Spanish Phonetics | 4 |
SPAN 320 | Advanced Spanish Language | 4 |
SPAN 322 | Introduction to Medieval Spain and the Road to Santiago | 4 |
SPAN 323 | Contemporary Spanish Culture and Civilization | 4 |