Computer Science

Requirements for the Major in Computer Science

The major requires successful completion of the following:

Course Requirements 1
CSCI 157Introduction to Modeling and Programming4
CSCI 257Object-Oriented Programming 24
CSCI 270Computer Systems and Organization4
CSCI 284Database Design with Web Applications4
CSCI 320Data Structures and Algorithms4
MATH 101Calculus I (or higher)4
MATH 215Discrete Mathematical Structures4
Select four additional courses in computer science (CSCI) numbered above 270. 316
Select one additional breadth course in an application area: 34
Game Theory
Fundamentals of GIS
Mathematical Modeling
Behavioral Neuroscience
Intermediate Electricity and Magnetism I
Elementary Statistics
or another course approved by the student's advisor
Total Semester Hours48
Additional Requirements
A comprehensive examination 4

A student majoring in computer science must present nineteen full course credits (seventy-six hours) from outside the major field.


With the permission of the department, students who are well prepared may begin their computer science sequence with CSCI 257.


Electives are to be selected in consultation with the departmental advisor. 


A student with a double major in the department must take a comprehensive exam in each major, and must take twelve full course credits (forty-eight hours) outside the major field.


Departmental honors may be conferred on students considered worthy of distinction. Most of the following accomplishments are generally expected: a) an average of at least 3.50 in computer science courses numbered above 270; b) a superior performance on both the written and oral comprehensive examination; c) an original project, usually as part of an Independent Study (CSCI 444) elective course, and oral defense or presentation of the work; and d) additional course work in computer science beyond the minimum requirement.

Pre-engineering Program

A major in computer science is available to students in the pre-professional engineering program. The major is slightly abbreviated to accommodate a student’s shortened time at Sewanee and is completed during the subsequent two years of study at the relevant engineering institution. Scheduling of courses during the three years at Sewanee is often complex; students should consult departmental advisors within their major of interest in their first year to avoid scheduling conflicts.

A student must complete all core curriculum requirements of the College. 

Course Requirements
CHEM 120General Chemistry (Lab)4
or CHEM 150 Advanced General Chemistry (Lab)
CSCI 157Introduction to Modeling and Programming4
CSCI 257Object-Oriented Programming4
CSCI 270Computer Systems and Organization4
CSCI 284Database Design with Web Applications4
CSCI 320Data Structures and Algorithms4
MATH 101Calculus I4
MATH 102Calculus II4
MATH 207Multidimensional Calculus4
MATH 212Differential Equations4
MATH 215Discrete Mathematical Structures4
PHYS 103
and PHYS 104
Modern Mechanics (Lab)
and Electric and Magnetic Interactions (Lab)
Select one additional course in computer science (CSCI) numbered above 270.4
Select three advanced courses in computer science or computer engineering at the designated engineering school12
Total Semester Hours68
Additional Requirements
A comprehensive exam 1

The comprehensive exam is only required for 4-2 engineering students, and is not required for 3-2 engineering students.

Student Learning Outcomes

A student majoring in Computer Science will

  1. Apply abstract reasoning and logic to analyze, model, and solve problems.
  2. Demonstrate proficiency with programming languages typically used in applications development, systems programming, and web-based applications and design.
  3. Demonstrate knowledge of multiple programming paradigms.
  4. Demonstrate knowledge of the relationship between programming structures and logic, and the design of computing machines.
  5. Demonstrate ability in technical writing and verbal communications using physical and electronic media including computer programs.
  6. Appraise and explain the relationship and impact of computers to people and society.