Molecular Biology and Genetics Track

Requirements for the Major in Biology - Molecular Biology and Genetics Track

The major requires successful completion of the following:

Course Requirements 1,2
BIOL 130Field Investigations in Biology4
BIOL 133Introductory Molecular Biology and Genetics 34
BIOL 223Genetics (Lab)4
BIOL 233Molecular Cell Biology4
BIOL 243Molecular Methods (Lab)4
BIOL 424Senior Seminar4
CHEM 120General Chemistry (Lab)4
or CHEM 150 Advanced General Chemistry (Lab)
Select four of the following courses in molecular biology and genetics (attribute BIOM): 416
Evolutionary Biology
Experimental Design and Data Analysis in Biology (Lab)
Principles of Animal Nutrition and Metabolism
Molecular Genetics (Lab)
General and Human Physiology
General and Human Physiology (Lab)
Biochemistry of Metabolism and Molecular Biology (Lab)
Biochemistry of Metabolism and Molecular Biology
Molecular Revolutions in Medicine
Cancer Cell Biology (Lab)
Cancer Cell Biology
Genes and Behavior
Environment and Development
Biology of Aging
Developmental Biology (Lab)
Developmental Biology
Advanced Topics in Evolutionary Biology
Microbiology (Lab)
Epigenetics (Lab)
Biochemistry of Metabolism and Molecular Biology (Lab)
Experimental Neurobiology (Lab)
Total Semester Hours44
Additional Requirements
A comprehensive examination

Courses numbered below 130 do not count toward the major.


At least four of the required and elective Biology courses must have a laboratory.


The Department of Biology will allow an AP test score of 5 or a higher level IB test score of 6 or 7 to substitute for BIOL 133. Students should be advised that mastery of the material covered in BIOL 133 is important as majors will be tested on it during their comprehensive exams.


Students may only receive credit once for courses delivered as both lab and non-lab offerings.

Student Learning Outcomes

A student majoring in Biology will

  1. Discuss and analyze a scientific paper in terms of how the scientific method is applied in experimental design and data analysis.
  2. Use oral communication skills effectively to persuade, or debate, a challenging or controversial scientific topic to non-science audience.
  3. Demonstrate mastery of core knowledge in biology (from molecules to ecosystems).
  4. Demonstrate mastery of specialized knowledge in Ecology and Biodiversity, Molecular Biology and Genetics, or Integrative Biology.