
Requirements for the Major in Economics

The major requires successful completion of the following1:

Course Requirements
ECON 120Principles of Economics 14
ECON 133Principles of Econometrics 14
ECON 201Microeconomic Theory 24
ECON 202Macroeconomic Theory 24
ECON 233Applied Econometrics 24
ECON 410Research Seminar 34
Select one of the following: 14
Calculus I
Calculus II
Multidimensional Calculus
Select three additional courses in Economics numbered 300 or above (excluding ECON 450) 412
Total Semester Hours40
Additional Requirements
A comprehensive examination 5

ECON 120, MATH 101, & ECON 133 are required in preparation for the core courses in the major and should be completed in your first three semesters at Sewanee.


ECON 201, ECON 202, and ECON 233 are the core of the economics major. All three of these courses must be taken at Sewanee, and should be completed as soon as possible, but no later than the junior year.


Taken in the fall semester of the senior year. This course fulfills the requirement for a writing intensive course in the major.


Ideally, at least two of these courses should be taken prior to the senior year.


All Economics majors are required to pass a written comprehensive exam. Each student will have to answer theoretical and applied questions, in both microeconomics and macroeconomics.


To be eligible for departmental honors, students must demonstrate distinguished performance in three areas: 1) major coursework; 2) the research seminar (ECON 410); 3) a thesis (ECON 450); and 4) the comprehensive examination. Distinguished performance is determined at the discretion of the department faculty, though a minimum grade point average of 3.33 is necessary in the area of major coursework. Students must apply to pursue the required honors thesis in the Easter semester of the junior year.

Student Learning Outcomes

A student majoring in Economics will

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of foundational concepts and theories used in economics
  2. Apply principles of quantitative analysis to economic research
  3. Integrate knowledge from various courses across the economics curriculum
  4. Communicate effectively in written form
  5. Communicate effectively in oral form