
Requirements for the Major in Finance

The major requires successful completion of the following1:

Course Requirements
ECON 201Microeconomic Theory4
ECON 202Macroeconomic Theory4
ECON 233Applied Econometrics4
FINC 201Corporate Finance4
FINC 301Investments4
FINC 410Advanced Security Analysis4
PHIL 232Business Ethics4
Select one of the following:4
Calculus I
Calculus II
Multidimensional Calculus
PHIL 232Business Ethics4
Select one of the following:4
Applied Econometrics
Statistical Modeling
Select three courses from the following two groups with at least one course from Group A:12
Group A
Derivatives and Fixed Income Securities
Financial Modeling
Group B
Money and Banking
Industrial Organization and Public Policy
Behavioral Economics
Growth Theory
Energy Economics
Game Theory
International Finance
Entrepreneurial Finance
Real Estate Finance
Total Semester Hours52
Additional Requirements
A comprehensive examination 2

Students may not declare a double major in Economics and Finance.


All Finance majors are required to pass a written comprehensive exam. Each student will have to answer theoretical and applied questions.

Student Learning Outcomes

A student majoring in Finance will

  1.  Demonstrate knowledge of foundational concepts and theories used in economics and finance
  2. Apply principles of quantitative analysis to financial investments
  3. Integrate knowledge from various courses across the finance curriculum
  4. Communicate effectively in written form
  5. Communicate effectively in oral form