Environmental Arts and Humanities

This major examines environmental issues by integrating the diverse perspectives offered by anthropology, history, literature, philosophy, religion, and visual studies. While encouraging students to pursue their own specific interests within environmental arts and the humanities, the major includes three interrelated components of common study.  First, it offers an interdisciplinary grounding in environmental science and policy. Second, it examines how the areas of environmental arts and humanities inform and are informed by the perspectives of environmental science and policy. Finally, as the defining core of the major, students explore how the arts and humanities enrich our understanding of humanity's complex, evolving relation to the world we inhabit and inform our responses to the many dimensions of environmental issues.

Requirements for the Major in Environmental Arts and Humanities

The major requires successful completion of the following:

Course Requirements 1
ENST 101Introduction to Environmental Studies4
ENST 200Introduction to Environmental Arts and Humanities4
ENST 400Environmental Arts and Humanities Capstone4
Select five courses from the following three themed categories with at least one course from the Culture and History category, at least one course from the Religion and Values category, and no more than three courses from any single category:20
Culture and History (attribute ESCH)
Archaeology of North America
Anthropology and Environmental Justice
Ecological Anthropology
One Health
Environmental Archaeology
The Anthropology of Water
Asian Art: Prehistory to Contemporary
Art and Disaster in Modern and Contemporary Japan
British Art
Poetry, Nature, and Contemplation
British Romanticism: the Early 19th Century
American Environmental Literature
Walking the Land
Introduction to "Nature" Writing
Environmental Writing in Digital Media
Environmental and Biological Non-Fiction
Equitable Environmental Education
"Nature" Writing
Field Studies in "Nature" Writing
Special Topics in the Environment and Sustainability
Environmental History
History of Southern Appalachia
The Many Faces of Sewanee
The History of Sustainability and Sustainable Development
History of Conservation and Wilderness Preservation
Appalachian Religion
Environmental Literature and the History of Science and Ecocide in the USSR
Latin American Literature and the Environment
Beginning Narrative Nonfiction Workshop
Religion and Values (attribute ESRV)
Place, Ritual, and Belief
Sacred Arts of Japan
Sacred Arts of China
Environmental Ethics
Ethics and the Anthropocene
Religion and Animals
Religious Environmentalism
Greening Buddhism
Arts, Landscape, and Design (attribute ESAL)
The Lens and the Landscape: Documentary Studies and the Environment
Intermediate Documentary Projects in Photography
Sustainable Structures
Advanced Seminar in the Production of Video and the Moving Image
Advanced Documentary Projects in Photography
Advanced Studio Seminar in Sculpture
Select one course related to environmental policy from the following (attribute ESPO):4
Archaeological Resource Management and Policy
Environmental Economics
Foundations of Food and Agriculture
Freshwater Conservation
Community Development and Place in Rural Appalachia
Ecological Integrity in Agriculture
Ecosystem Services
Food and Agriculture Policy
Environmental Policy and Law
Environmental Land-Use Policy
Water Resource Policy and Law
China's Environmental Crisis
Environmental Politics and Policy
Select one course related to the life or physical sciences from the following (attribute ESLP):4
Conservation Biology
Field Investigations in Biology
Reading the Landscape (Lab)
Advanced Conservation Biology (Lab)
Human Health and the Environment (Lab)
Topics in Contemporary Chemistry
Chemistry of Art and Artifacts
General Chemistry (Lab)
Advanced General Chemistry (Lab)
Ecosystems of the Ocean
Introduction to Forestry (Lab)
Physical Geology (Lab)
Earth Systems and Climate Change
Foundations of Global Warming
Total Semester Hours40
Additional Requirements
A comprehensive examination

ENST 217 is strongly recommended as an elective outside the major.


A second physical or life science course is strongly recommended as an elective outside the major.