History Courses Focused on an Area Outside Europe and the United States

Focus on an area outside Europe and the United States (attribute HINW)
HIST 128Adventures at Sea: The Indian Ocean in World History4
HIST 211China: Inside the Great Wall4
HIST 212Modern East Asia4
HIST 214Africa Inside Out4
HIST 215Southern African History4
HIST 216History of Japan4
HIST 219History of Africa to 18804
HIST 220History of Africa Since 18804
HIST 221History of India and South Asia I4
HIST 222History of India and South Asia II4
HIST 223Latin American History to 18254
HIST 224Latin American History Since 18264
HIST 225Empire in the New World: Incas and Aztecs4
HIST 230Ghana and West Africa’s Pasts in the Black Atlantic4
HIST 273The Haitian Revolution4
HIST 296History of the Middle East I4
HIST 297History of the Middle East II4
HIST 298History of Islam4
HIST 307Revolutions and Revolutionaries in the Middle East4
HIST 310From Barbary to Iraq: Britain and America in the Middle East4
HIST 319The Arab-Israeli Conflict4
HIST 348The Mexican Revolution4
HIST 351History of Modern India through Cinema and Literature4
HIST 357Latin American Biographies4
HIST 358Women in Latin America4
HIST 360Latin American Topics4
HIST 367Writing the Nation: Literature, Nationalism and Search for Identity in Latin America (1810-Present)4
HIST 382Global Segregation, Race, and Popular Culture in the United States and South Africa4
HIST 385Political Islam4
HIST 387Slavery and the Slave Trade in Africa4
HIST 388The United States and Vietnam since 19454
HIST 395Science and Medicine in East Asia, 1500 to the Present4
HIST 397The Origins and Conduct of World War II4