Creative Writing - Fiction Track

Requirements for the Major in Creative Writing - Fiction Track

The major requires successful completion of the following:

Course Requirements
Select one ENGL course with the GFWI attribute4
Select one of the approved 300-level English courses focusing on literature from the period before 1800 (attribute ENGP)4
Select three additional 300-level English courses12
WRIT 206Beginning Fiction Workshop4
WRIT 211Forms of Fiction4
WRIT 306Intermediate Fiction Workshop4
WRIT 406Advanced Fiction Workshop4
Select one of the following:4
Beginning Poetry Workshop
Beginning Playwriting Workshop
Beginning Narrative Nonfiction Workshop
Select one of the following:4
Forms of Poetry
Forms of Drama
Total Semester Hours44
Additional Requirements
A comprehensive exercise is required 1

The comprehensive exercise for Creative Writing majors includes the following: the creation of a capstone project in a specific genre, working with a faculty advisor; a formal essay placing that capstone within a larger understanding of contemporary creative writing, focusing on both form and content; and an oral presentation of the capstone.

Student Learning Outcomes 

A student majoring in Creative Writing will

  1. Describe and appraise the ways in which literature is made, as well as the social and historical contexts and traditional and contemporary forms that inform effective creative writing.
  2. Create artistic work that utilizes craft and technique to effectively articulate ideas and experience.
  3. Distinguish and appraise their own creative writing within literary contexts regarding specific artists, styles, or movements.
  4. Present their creative work in a formal setting, utilizing both craft and a knowledge of forms and techniques to engage an audience. 
  5. Demonstrate a familiarity with styles, forms and techniques—both traditional and current—and incorporate this familiarity into effective critical feedback on the artistic works of their peers.