International and Global Studies - Thematic Sub-categories
Courses in the following sub-categories deal with transnational forms of political, economic, and cultural organization and practice in both the past and the present.
Global Capitalism
Courses in this sub-category deal with issues related to the rise and spread of capitalism as well as the growing economic integration of the world’s economies. Themes covered include the history of capitalism, socialism, and other forms of economic activity, social and economic development, trade networks and practices, the experiences of work and social life as these are transformed through economic integration, and strategies for addressing economic inequality and poverty.
Code | Title | Semester Hours |
Global Capitalism (attribute ITGC) | ||
BUSI 351 | Dynamics of International Business II | 2 |
ECON 310 | Economic Development | 4 |
ECON 312 | Health Economics | 4 |
ECON 335 | Environmental Economics | 4 |
ECON 336 | Energy Economics | 4 |
ECON 339 | Economics of Immigration | 4 |
ECON 343 | International Trade | 4 |
ECON 344 | International Finance | 4 |
FREN 416 | From the Household to the Department Store: Reimagining Economy | 4 |
HIST 346 | History of Socialism | 4 |
HIST 403 | Capitalism in Britain and the United States | 4 |
HIST 410 | Five Centuries of Atlantic Slavery, 1400-1900 | 4 |
HIST 421 | The History of Sustainability and Sustainable Development | 4 |
INGS 104 | Oil: The Fuel of Globalization | 4 |
INGS 325 | Globalization and the Challenges of Development in Ghana | 4 |
INGS 326 | Baltics and Caucasus: Empires, Revolutions and Future Innovations | 4 |
POLS 280 | The Politics of Development and Foreign Aid | 4 |
POLS 366 | International Political Economy | 4 |
POLS 402 | Topics in Political Economy | 4 |
Global Culture and Society
Courses in this sub-category are focused on the transnational circulation of people, ideas, and culture, especially shared symbolic media and knowledge transfers, but also the histories of interaction such as missionization, colonialism, and migration that help to produce them. Issues addressed include global cultural aspirations, the creation of hybrid cultural forms, and the specter of a homogenized global culture.
Code | Title | Semester Hours |
Global Culture and Society (attribute ITGS) | ||
ANTH 290 | Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective | 4 |
ANTH 319 | Medical Anthropology | 4 |
ARTH 327 | To Delight and to Move: The Global Baroque, 1600-1800 | 4 |
ENGL 316 | The Novel in the Global Age | 4 |
ENGL 399 | World Literature in English | 4 |
FILM 105 | Introduction to World Cinema | 4 |
FREN 314 | Introduction to Literature, Culture, and History of the French-Speaking World | 4 |
FREN 321 | Studies in Culture and Literature Abroad | 4 |
FREN 405 | The Eighteenth Century | 4 |
FREN 416 | From the Household to the Department Store: Reimagining Economy | 4 |
GRMN 356 | Nazis and Nazisploitation | 4 |
GRMN 357 | German Queer Cinema | 4 |
GRMN 358 | Borders, Margins, and Identities in German Culture | 4 |
HIST 210 | Early Modern Cities | 4 |
HIST 270 | European Women in War, Revolution, and Terrorism | 4 |
HIST 271 | The French Revolutionary Era, 1789-1814 | 4 |
HIST 298 | History of Islam | 4 |
HIST 324 | Colonial and Imperial Warfare in North America and Southern Africa | 4 |
HIST 335 | Monsters, Marvels, and Museums | 4 |
HIST 337 | Nature, Magic, and Machines in Early Modern Europe | 4 |
HIST 346 | History of Socialism | 4 |
HIST 382 | Global Segregation, Race, and Popular Culture in the United States and South Africa | 4 |
HIST 385 | Political Islam | 4 |
HIST 387 | Slavery and the Slave Trade in Africa | 4 |
HIST 472 | Marriage and Imagined Families in the Modern World | 4 |
INGS 100 | Media and Globalization | 4 |
INGS 102 | … and the World was Round: Sixteenth-Century Roots of Globalization | 4 |
INGS 103 | The Global Detective | 4 |
INGS 105 | Globalization and Culture in the Americas | 4 |
INGS 107 | Sports in Global Perspective | 4 |
INGS 108 | Globalization and Culture in Africa | 4 |
INGS 201 | Youth Cultures in Urban Africa | 4 |
INGS 207 | Globalization, Popular Culture, and Politics in West Africa | 4 |
INGS 208 | West and Central Africa in the Atlantic World | 4 |
INGS 210 | People, Culture, and Society in the Middle East and North Africa | 4 |
INGS 211 | Special Topics in Ghana: Intercultural Communication and Competency | 4 |
INGS 212 | The End of the World as We Know It: Global Climate Change, Crisis, and Catastrophe | 4 |
INGS 302 | Global Cities | 4 |
INGS 313 | "Foreigners" of the Middle East | 4 |
INGS 314 | The History of Current Events in the Middle East | 4 |
INGS 316 | Global Migration and Border Crises | 4 |
INGS 317 | The Body and the Body Politic in the Middle East | 4 |
INGS 318 | Middle Eastern Diasporas | 4 |
INGS 323 | Race and Asia | 4 |
INGS 326 | Baltics and Caucasus: Empires, Revolutions and Future Innovations | 4 |
INGS 327 | African Cities | 4 |
INGS 328 | From Coca-Cola to K-Pop: Global Flows in Ethnographic Perspective | 4 |
POLS 433 | Human Rights | 4 |
RELG 220 | Holocaust, Religion, Morality | 4 |
RELG 232 | God and Empire: Biblical Texts and Colonial Contexts | 4 |
RELG 262 | Buddhist Traditions | 4 |
RUSN 365 | Multicultural Russia: Race, Ethnicity, and Narrative in Russian Literature and Culture | 4 |
SPAN 330 | Middle Ages in Spanish Culture and Literature | 4 |
SPAN 334 | The Culture of Chivalry | 4 |
SPAN 364 | Spanish Women Writers | 4 |
SPAN 388 | Women Authors of the Hispanic Caribbean and Diaspora | 4 |
SPAN 389 | U.S. Latino and Latina Literature and Culture | 4 |
SPAN 404 | Spanish Civil War and its Legacy | 4 |
SPAN 426 | Indigeneity and Race in Latin American Cultures | 4 |
Global Politics
Courses in this sub-category illuminate transnational political processes in both the past and present. Training provides key conceptual frameworks related to the study of global power relations as they are made manifest in political, economic, and cultural realms, and the operation of the global political system through the medium of inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations. These conceptual frameworks provide the essential context for students’ understanding of global problems such as international conflict and cooperation, development, security, social inequality, and human rights.
Code | Title | Semester Hours |
Global Politics (attribute ITGP) | ||
ENGL 368 | Fictions of Empire | 4 |
HIST 215 | Southern African History | 4 |
HIST 219 | History of Africa to 1880 | 4 |
HIST 220 | History of Africa Since 1880 | 4 |
HIST 273 | The Haitian Revolution | 4 |
HIST 283 | Environmental History | 4 |
HIST 307 | Revolutions and Revolutionaries in the Middle East | 4 |
HIST 319 | The Arab-Israeli Conflict | 4 |
HIST 324 | Colonial and Imperial Warfare in North America and Southern Africa | 4 |
HIST 338 | Religious Nationalism in the Contemporary World | 4 |
HIST 359 | United States and Latin America since 1898 | 4 |
HIST 382 | Global Segregation, Race, and Popular Culture in the United States and South Africa | 4 |
HIST 385 | Political Islam | 4 |
HIST 421 | The History of Sustainability and Sustainable Development | 4 |
HIST 455 | European Empires in Asia | 4 |
INGS 101 | Geopolitics of Everyday Life | 4 |
INGS 201 | Youth Cultures in Urban Africa | 4 |
INGS 207 | Globalization, Popular Culture, and Politics in West Africa | 4 |
INGS 208 | West and Central Africa in the Atlantic World | 4 |
INGS 312 | Africa and the West Since 1800 | 4 |
INGS 314 | The History of Current Events in the Middle East | 4 |
INGS 316 | Global Migration and Border Crises | 4 |
INGS 324 | Africa and International Summitry | 4 |
INGS 327 | African Cities | 4 |
POLS 209 | Immigration, Politics, and Identity | 4 |
POLS 220 | International Conflict | 4 |
POLS 227 | Africa in World Politics | 4 |
POLS 228 | The Politics of the Modern Middle East and North Africa | 4 |
POLS 270 | Introduction to International Security | 4 |
POLS 311 | Politics of Central America and the Caribbean | 4 |
POLS 314 | Civil Wars | 4 |
POLS 318 | Comparative Politics: South America and Mexico | 4 |
POLS 319 | Global Gender Issues | 4 |
POLS 320 | Gender and Politics in the Middle East and North Africa | 4 |
POLS 321 | Global Health Governance | 4 |
POLS 327 | The Politics of Transitional and Post-Conflict Justice | 4 |
POLS 329 | Comparative African Politics | 4 |
POLS 346 | Contemporary Social Movements | 4 |
POLS 351 | Modern European Politics | 4 |
POLS 363 | Comparative Democratization | 4 |
POLS 365 | Global Institutions and Policies | 4 |
POLS 366 | International Political Economy | 4 |
POLS 370 | International Law in International Relations | 4 |
POLS 402 | Topics in Political Economy | 4 |
POLS 411 | The Politics of Aids | 4 |
POLS 412 | Terrorism and Global Security | 4 |
POLS 431 | Ethnicity and Political Violence | 4 |
POLS 433 | Human Rights | 4 |
POLS 441 | Gender, Violence, and Power | 4 |
RELG 344 | Sacralized Violence | 4 |
Global Environment
Courses in this sub-category focus on the global environment, positioning students to think about the effect of the environment on economic, political, cultural, and social systems, as well as the environment’s role in past, present, and future change to global networks, connections, and hierarchies.
Code | Title | Semester Hours |
Global Environment (attribute ITGE) | ||
ECON 335 | Environmental Economics | 4 |
ECON 336 | Energy Economics | 4 |
ENST 201 | Foundations of Food and Agriculture | 4 |
ENST 209 | Ecosystems of the Ocean | 4 |
ENST 211 | Sustainability and Global Environmental Change Seminar | 2 |
ENST 212 | Sustainability and Global Environmental Change Field Studies | 2 |
ENST 235 | Freshwater Conservation | 4 |
ENST 305 | Ecological Integrity in Agriculture | 4 |
ENST 306 | Ecosystem Services | 4 |
ENST 334 | Environmental Policy and Law | 4 |
GRMN 313 | Special Topics in the Environment and Sustainability | 4 |
HIST 283 | Environmental History | 4 |
HIST 337 | Nature, Magic, and Machines in Early Modern Europe | 4 |
HIST 421 | The History of Sustainability and Sustainable Development | 4 |
INGS 104 | Oil: The Fuel of Globalization | 4 |
INGS 212 | The End of the World as We Know It: Global Climate Change, Crisis, and Catastrophe | 4 |
INGS 319 | Ecologies of the Middle East and North Africa | 4 |
PHIL 230 | Environmental Ethics | 4 |
PHIL 337 | Philosophy of Science | 4 |
POLS 248 | China's Environmental Crisis | 4 |
POLS 260 | Political Theory of the Environment | 4 |
POLS 313 | Environmental Politics and Policy | 4 |
POLS 382 | International Environmental Policy | 4 |
RELG 307 | Religious Environmentalism | 4 |
RELG 341 | Religion and Ecology | 4 |
RELG 353 | Greening Buddhism | 4 |
RUSN 363 | Environmental Literature and the History of Science and Ecocide in the USSR | 4 |
SPAN 390 | Latin American Literature and the Environment | 4 |